Want to learn from a master of the Law of Attraction? Watch a young child for an afternoon. They create, imagine, and bring everything to life. Every moment is complete excitement or joy when they are playing and enjoying their world. They live life to the fullest and sleep soundly after a huge day of doing what they love to do. Then they wake up the next morning and start it all over again. When was the last time you were able to let loose and enjoy everyday of your life by doing everything that you wanted to do? When was the last time that you created something and had no doubt it would come into reality at the very moment you created it? This is the world a child lives in. No limits and nothing is impossible.

About three years ago our daughter, who was going on six at the time, stayed with her grandma and grandpa for the afternoon. She played in the meadow, made tea for her stuffed teddy bears, and drew many pictures. One of her pictures was of a green and pink sky. "The sky isn't green and pink," her grandpa told her, "it's blue."

"Not my sky, Grandpa," she said. "My sky is green and pink… See?" our daughter said, without hesitation.

Grandpa tried to let her down gently. "I have lived over seventy years and have never seen the sky green. I've seen a little pink but never green."

"Doesn't matter Grandpa. If I draw it, it can happen. See?" Our girl was not going to back down.
Grandma was snickering behind Grandpa knowing full well where their granddaughter got her, shall we say, independent spirit.

So what does this little independent spirit do? She drew several pictures of various images but they all had green and pink skies. She was kind enough to tape them all over Grandpa's puzzle room. Now you may be thinking what a little six year old stinker she was, but there was no malice intended. Peanut believed that her sky would manifest, no matter what.

Grandpa went to great lengths to show her why the sky could never be green. He pulled out the encyclopedias and embarked on a big diatribe covering the scientific findings of the sky.

Peanut looked very interested at the pictures that her grandpa was showing her. "Those are beautiful sky pictures Grandpa. Too bad they don't have a picture of the one with the green and pink sky.

"Listen my little peanut," he said. "It is impossible for the sky to be green and pink. Well at least green. I'll give you the pink."

"Mommy and Daddy said nothing is impossible if I think it," Peanut said, with all her six-year-old innocence.

"Kids are stubborn, big and small," he mumbled as he lumbered into his room to finish his puzzle. He promptly walked in and turned around and went to get some fresh air after finding his room full of green and pink sky pictures.

A couple of weeks later, Peanut went to stay with her grandparents again. Grandpa had left all her pictures up in his puzzle room saying it gave the room some pizzazz.

Grandpa and Peanut had packed a lunch and were going fishing for the afternoon. Grandma didn't want to go because of all the field burning taking place on the surrounding farms. It made her eyes itch, she said.

So Grandpa and Peanut took off to Alsea Falls with their lunch and their fishing poles, each wearing fishermen hats, and Grandpa with lures stuck in the side of his. Peanut had marked up her hat with, you guessed it, pink and green markers. "It's just a reminder for me Grandpa to remember that I want a green and pink sky." He thought she would have given it up by now.

They took the afternoon and ate their peanut butter sandwiches sitting on the rocks under the Alsea waterfalls, a perfect place for a grandpa and a Peanut. As the water ran below them, it created beautiful prisms in the stream as they enjoyed each other's company.

Then Peanut gasped. Grandpa peered through the waterfall where Peanut was staring. Because of the field burning the sky had turned an unusual smoky color. It was at the end of a rainy week and the sky had a pink tinge to it. Through their waterfall, looking at the sky, the sky revealed the most unusual shades of green and pink.

Grandpa wiped his eyes as Peanut exhaled. "See Grandpa, nothing is impossible."

Their sky gave way to sundown, and the fish didn't bite, but the memory of a fleeting palette drawn from a child's innocent certainty was something the old man would never forget.

Nothing is impossible when you believe and know with all your heart that the life that you want is waiting for you. Just imagine, draw, and see your desires. Be a child again. Find your sky of pink and green, or whatever color you imagine it to be. Nothing is impossible with the Law of Attraction.

Author's Bio: 

Beth and Lee McCain are instructors and lecturers in applying the Law of Attraction to your life to attain whatever you desire. They have a great radio show on Youtube that is both entertaining as well as informative on the subject of the Law of Attraction. For more information about Beth and Lee products and services, please visit: Beth and Lee McCain Law of Attraction Web Site