In dental marketing, you should find new ideas to be able to post your services to the public effectively. One of the ideas that people resolve to for this is through ordinary advertising. It's nothing new, but there comes a time that ordinary advertisements seem to prove to be insufficient. Dental marketing business demands that your readers get the central message that you want to reach out to them quickly. So this is where the power of Free Standing Inserts comes in! Dental marketing should be coupled with such new ideas of having inserts, and this article will prove to you why.

Why Go For Free Standing Inserts?

Here are the reasons why you should use free standing inserts as one of the new ideas in dental marketing:

#1: They Get Read More!

People tend to read more of free standing inserts. When an advertisement or direct mail piece doesn't work, most people tend to immediately look at the sales copy on the ad or direct mail piece. However, you should always remember that the #1 key factor to any advertisement or direct mail piece working is NOT the copy, but it's the READERSHIP of the piece! This means the value lies on the attention span that people give in reading your piece.

#2: They Are More Cost-Effective!

At times you will find that you can place an advertisement that is worth a quarter page ad, but in the same paper run full page free standing insert. You may ask why this is the case.... I have no idea. But it tells me that you should be running the free standing insert!

#3: You Can Mail The Same List Weekly Or Monthly For As Little As $800 Bucks!

I just finished talking to Dr. Ron Senn on the phone. He was telling me that he can reach 14,000 homes for $800 bucks. WOW! We spoke about rotating a different 14,000 a week... or running a different advertisement to the same 14,000 every week. The idea was that he can run a weekly free standing insert (find 4 recipients and rotate; or 1 recipient and rotate to whom you send it to) for only a small amount of $3200 bucks!

#4: You Can Tell More Of A Story!

One of the big things that is missing when you run smaller advertisements is the entire story. That is one of the main reason why we like to “lead generate”. The other reason is the “timing” of people being “interested, but not ready to actually call the office right now”!

As A Conclusion....

The great thing about running a free standing insert as one of the new dental marketing ideas is that you have a LOT of space to tell the story, to edcutate, to agitate problems, and to give really good benefits and reasons why they should call you TODAY! When I read most dental ads, they are missing the “hook”, or the reason why people should continue to read, be interested on this ad that you have placed. The key to grabbing this is to make the ad emotion based, news based with special interest, pain based, testimonial driven, or “celebrity based”(turning yourself into a celebrity!). There are more ways, but the bottom line is that when you are searching for ideas of ways to rotate “what” you are going to place, then that's a good start. So always be creative. What if a reporter was sent over to your office to tell the world about how great you are, and your office as well? Wouldn't that be great? That is the kind of thing people will read. Therefore, go for free standing inserts now, and be smart in dental marketing!

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