Ask Dr. Z - Neuropathy, CoQ10, Pleo Muc, Your Personal Portable Oxygen Bar
"You are not here merely to make a living. You are here in order to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world, and you impoverish yourself if you forget the errand."
Woodrow Wilson
You don't get to choose how you're going to die. Or when. You can only decide how you're going to live. Now."
Joan Baez
"You can't have everything...where would you put it?"
Stephen Wright
"It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live. " Marcus Aurelius
"Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself."
I get letters (bolds and links added by Dr. Z)
Dear Dr. Z,
My eighty-six year old uncle has had neuropathy for about ten years. When his family doctor sent him to a neurologist to see what could be done, he was given foot braces to hold up his “lazy feet” and told there wasn't much else anyone could do. At the time he received his braces he had no feeling from his feet up to just above the knee.
Last Thanksgiving I realized he was getting much worse, walking with canes and hardly able to keep his balance. About six months ago I discovered the Dr. Z website and did the Self Evaluation for him.
I ordered both the Pleo Muc Capsules and the Pleo Muc Ointment for him and as of today, about six months later, he walks without a cane, keeps his balance, he holds one foot up completely without support and the other has just a small bit of “play” in it. He is so excited at the speed and the degree with which he is improving. He even took a pin to his feet and he could feel it! I hope everyone with this ailment finds you, we both have told anyone who will listen to us.
We now believe he will recover completely, and he has promised to take me to the New Years Ball.
Thank you for bringing hope and mobility to a wonderful uncle.
Sue G., Laguna Beach California
I am truly excited. I have been using the Personal Portable Oxygen Bar for about 6 weeks now. I am 74 years old and a member of a Rag Time Band. Last weekend I went to Sutter Creek for the annual Rag Time festival.
I decided to take the Personal Portable Oxygen Bar with me. It fits nicely into my carry-on bag on wheels.
We had jam sessions Friday, Saturday and Sunday, about 1 hour each. The sessions tend to be quite tiring. I remember last year I was quite exhausted.
After each session I went to my hotel room to spend 20 or 30 minutes breathing with the Oxygen Bar. I could clearly feel my energy coming back. I could just do it!
I strongly feel and believe that my senses are better, especially improvising music in our Rag Time band. I can feel the movement much better, I can anticipate the changes much more easily. This is wonderful.
Here is another thing: I feel more alive. I feel increased capacity to sense people's needs, especially those in grief.
My wife has suffered from chronic bronchitis/breathing problems. Since I purchased the Personal Portable Oxygen Bar she has faithfully done at least 3 breathing sessions a day. This has helped her tremendously. She has not used any inhalers for several weeks.
I cannot thank you enough for sharing your discovery with me. I am telling everybody about it.
Alan, Nevada City, California
Peripheral/Diabetic Neuropathy occurs most frequently in people over age 40 who smoke and/or who have diabetes. Both smoking and chronic high blood sugar/diabetes interfere with normal circulation and consequently with supply of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues.
Nerves have a high metabolism. Consequently nerves are extremely sensitive to decreased oxygen levels. Nerve dysfunction, nerve degeneration and possibly nerve death may follow. Sensory loss, numbness and/or tingling in the affected areas and poor wound healing are warning signs.
For those affected by peripheral/diabetic neuropathy, it is imperative to stop smoking and pay close attention to one's diet.
European health care practioners report that the German homeopathic/isopathic Mucokehl/Pleo-Muc ointment in combination with Mucokehl/Pleo-Muc capsules has proven extremely useful as supportive therapy to alleviate the symptomatic effects of peripheral/diabetic neuropathy by increasing local microcirculation and thus increasing oxygen perfusion.
Co-Q10 is the enzyme reqired to make cell energy (ATP) from blood sugar/glucose and oxygen. As we age, cellular levels of Co-Q10 tend to decrease. Co-Q10 is an important factor.
***Purchase Dr. Z's Neuropathy Kit
Your Personal Portable Oxygen Bar
Your brain is in charge of ALL aspects your being – mental and physical. Your brain needs three things to be happy.
- Proper nutrition
- Stimulation
- Oxygen/O2
Oxygen is critical - your brain depends on adequate oxygen more than any other part of your body. As we age this becomes more important - every year we lose some of our capacity to utilize oxygen - approx. 1% per year after the age of 20.
This is what some of Dr. Z's patients and friends report:
- Feeling better overall
- Clearer thinking
- Enhanced moods
- More restful sleep
- Greater sense of balance
- More stamina
- and more....
Order your Personal Portable Oxygen Bar today!
What some of Dr. Z's clients say .
Dr. Z
Peter Zeischegg, MS, DC, DACNB
Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist
13288 Banner Lava Cap Road, Suite A
Nevada City, Ca 95959
(530) 265-0224
Visit our website.
ODDHC - Oxygen Enriched Air , Diet, Digestion, Hypoglycemia/Blood Sugar, Candida
Contact Dr. Z by logging into your account.
©Copyright Dr. Peter Zeischegg, MS, DC, 2007. All Rights Reserved. This content may be copied in full, as long as copyright, contact, and creation information is given, only if used only in a not-for-profit format and for personal use. If possible, I would also appreciate an endorsement and encouragement to subscribe to the newsletter. If any other use is desired, written permission is required
Peter M. Zeischegg, known to his patients and on-line clients as Dr. Z, was born and raised in Germany.
1970 – receives his Dipl. Ing. Degree (Master of Science) in Civil Engineering from Technical University Berlin
1970-71 - attends University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign for postgraduate studies in Hydrology.
1971 - decides to quit the engineering field because he cannot establish an emotional connection to make this a truly satisfying career.
1978 - severe back injury leads him to become interested in chiropractic.
1983-86 - attends Life Chiropractic College-West. He discovers that ALL true healing comes not from drugs or surgery, but from within.
1991 - trip with Occidental Research Institute to Germany - is introduced to alternative-biological medicine and Sanum homeopathy.
1996 – research into Low Level Laser Therapy
Develops expertise in alternative solutions for Functional Illness, Candida, Fibromyalgia, Hypoglycemia, Chronic Fatigue, ADD/ADHD, Learning Disabilities, Digestive Problems, Allergies/Asthma, Heartburn/Indigestion, Food Allergies, Oxygen Deficiency, Brain and Chronic Illness
2001 – launches - website for Holistic On-Line Alternative Health Help
2002-2007 - post graduate studies in Functional Neurology with Carrick Institute
2005 Diplomate of American Chiropractic Neurology Board (DACNB)
2006 Autism and Dyslexia - specialty training with Carrick Institute
2006 Physician’s Training with Autism Research Institute (DAN!)
2007/2008 Vestibular Rehabilitation, Balance Disorders, Vertigo, Tinnitus, Dizziness - specialty training with Carrick Institute
Contact Dr. Z:
Phone: 530-265-0224
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