Insomnia is defined as the inability to sleep for an extended amount of time. Most people at some point in their lives will have sleep problems. Having a new baby, change of work pattern or even living in a different area can have its toll. Most people are able to return to a normal sleep pattern after time. Then there are the people who suffer from chronic insomnia. These people have difficulties sleeping on a regular basis. It doesn't matter whether you suffer from chronic or temporary sleep problems; there are still plenty of things you can do to help.

Causes of Insomnia

Diet – We all know that we are what we eat. If you are a great coffee lover you should look to cut down, especially before going to bed. Drinking alcohol, even though it may make you feel sleepy, actually can lead to disturbed sleep.

Stress – If you are worrying about your job, health or family then your mind will be active and you'll find it difficult to sleep.

Noise – If you are a shift worker where you work during the night and sleep by day then this will certainly have a big impact. Living near an airport or noisy night club won't help either.

Natural Ways to Help with Insomnia

Relax – Meditation and yoga are both great ways to relax. If you keep active, go for a long walk or go to the gym, you'll find that you'll have a better night's sleep.

Reduce caffeine and alcohol – If you feel the need to have a hot drink before going to be try a herbal tea or Red Bush instead. If having wine with dinner, just pour yourself a half-glass.

Reduce Noise – If there are a lot of noises outside your home then wearing earplugs or having triple glazing can help.

Herbs - There are also a number of herbs and herbal products that may also help with insomnia. Valerian tea is a commonly used to treat insomnia. Valerian is a natural tranquilizer.

Passion flower is another herb that is used to help with sleep problems. It is a natural sedative.

Hops, yes the ones that are used to make beer, also can be used to help with sleep. Hops can either be consumed by making it into a tea or you can sleep with a pillow containing hops. Like Passion flower and Valerian, hops is a natural sedative.

A Word of Caution

Before trying any remedy, it is a good idea to check with your doctor. While a lot of herbs are safe, some do have side efforts or can react with other medications.

Author's Bio: 

April has written even more tips on her natural health blog about how to get a better night's sleep along with info on using homeopathy to help with insomnia.