More than 90% of the job interview is conveyed by non-verbal means.

You did all the homework for your interview. You know everything about the company, their vision, management style, what skills you have that would benefit this company, and where you expect your career to be in 10 years. Briefly you know all the correct answers to 249 interview questions, but at the end of the day what really counts is the main question: did you have good chemistry? Can they trust your message, and what you can do in order to make sure that they will?

More than 90% of our communication is conveyed by non-verbal means. Body language is the main factor in such communication. This is an ancient form of interaction that is even more evident in the animal world.
The non-verbal messages are mostly perceived in our unconsciousness leading us to a hunch or a feeling regarding a person or a situation: “I don’t like him, I can feel he is lying” or on the positive side, “I immediately felt connected to her”.
Body language can be used to improve your negotiation skills, your presentation ability, and in different social interactions, including a job interview.

Reading body language is a valuable key at a job interview, it gives you more tools than you could have. To succeed over other interviewers you must be attentive to what silent body gestures you are giving off, you also need to be aware of the interviewer's body language.

If it is a natural form of communication, why do I need to learn it?

Only a small percentage of the population perceive the non-verbal signs at the conscious level and can use body language as a tool to “read” others and to present themselves and their messages in a reliable way. These people can create empathy, detect lies within seconds, and feel immediately when it’s the right time to close a deal. Others can learn it; many politicians practice body language techniques and use personal training for these purposes. Similarly, police and security experts are trained to understand body language as a tool to detect lies. In the corporate world, body language interpretation is a key tool in the interview and hiring process of new employees. Some companies even have a body language expert present during interviews and as part of a negotiation team for large-scale deals.

How to start? Entering with long strides
Go to the interview and imagine that you already got the job before the interview even begins. Positives thoughts transmitted by your body into positive gestures.
The interview starts the moment you step into the room. Walk in tall, with a smile on your face. Make sure your hands are free and offer it to the interviewer. Make the handshake strong and firm, pumping hands once or twice, then releasing.
Entering with long strides characterizes a person with long-term goals and the willingness to take risks.
Remember that we never get a second chance to make the first impression.
Keep on open body - “I have nothing to hide”.
Straight, open hands forming one line with arm, shows honesty and openness.
Keep open body posture and appropriate eye contact. Seat yourself at a reasonable distance from the other person.
Most of the people find it too hard to lie while their hands are open. This message is most important as a first impression.
Eye contact
• "The eyes are often called, 'the windows of the soul' as they can send many different non-verbal signals.
• Eye contact often increases significantly when we are listening, and especially when we are paying close attention to what the other person is saying.
• Less eye contact is used when talking, particularly by people who are visual thinkers as they stare into the distance or upwards as they 'see' what they are talking about.
• Locked ankles
When a person makes very little eye contact, they may be feeling insecure. They may also be lying and not want to be detected; it also could be as a result of coulter behavior.
A good smile has the power to say, “I’m a happy, confident person and I’d love to work here”. Practice a smile that puts people at ease. It’s just as much your responsibility to ensure that there is a relaxed atmosphere during the interview.
Where would you like me to sit?"
Wait for the interviewer to direct you to a seat. You can ask the interviewer, "Where would you like me to sit?"
Try to avoid locking your ankles even if they are hidden from the eyes of the interviewer. It’s a blocking and negative gesture that affects your state of mind.
As a rule it is difficult for most people to control their legs since they are far from the head. This is even difficult for those people who are extremely aware of body language.
Don’t forget, people want to feel special. They want to feel as though you are speaking to them directly or that they are the most important person in the room during your conversation.
Why cards?
Mastering the secrets of the body language might be complicated. Body language is a visual mode of communication- you cannot learn it just from reading- you need to see it. Body Language Cards do just that; they flood your consciousness with the visual gestures and connect it to its meaning.
Most important: It works!!!
Body Language Cards are used as an integral part for professional body language courses; they are practiced as an educational devise in corporations; Body Language Cards are even used in psychology courses in colleges all over the world as they were recently translated in 4 additional languages.
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Author's Bio: 

The Body Language Cards
Body language cards were developed in 1998 by Dan Rolls and Gill Shermeister as a professional tool for Body Language training.
It became a leading resource for corporate training for negotiation, interviews and presentations.
The Basic Body Language Cards were translated to 4 additional languages and is often used as a smart corporate gift, with unique added value designated for managers, sale teams and even costumers.
The success of the basic Body Language Cards kit, has led us to develop specialized kits for negotiation and interviews and a unique kit for dates and flirting.
Gill Shermeister
Trained as a zoologist Gill became fascinated by the similarities of basic mammalian behaviors to those of humans. He has spent the last 18 years investigating this field and as a lecturer on non-verbal communication, presentation and public speaking.
He is a personal trainer of some leading corporate negotiators and politicians.
Gill shares his professional secrets of his trade in this unique tool to master the secrets of Body Language.
Dan Rolls
An inventor and internet entrepreneur living at the Silicon valley, CA.
Dan has developed several distinctive concepts and techniques for improved learning and memory based on simple human perceptions and friendly user experience.
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