Joe Vitale has written for years that money requires speed of action. How about extending the principle to all successful activities. Career, relationships and personal growth are first dependent on the element of speed. There is more, but first comes

Think of it as getting there before your competition.

Manic Thinking

How important is your mood on how well you perform? Is your creativity connected
to your mood? What is mood anyway?

Mood is defined since 900 A.D. as mind, spirit and courage. It is both your attitude and prevailing emotion.

So What?

Your speed of thought – yes, speed reading – directly affects your mood. If you are mulling things over (procrastinating) as slow as a snail, your mood becomes negative and your creativity falls into the sewer. What else - your ability to learn and remember tanks.

Who says so? Emily Pronin at Princeton, and her partner Daniel M. Wegner at
Harvard. Their research is called “Independent effects of thought speed and
thought content on mood.” It appeared in the journal, Association for
Psychological Science 2006 and is replicated brain science.

Speed of thought

When you choose speed of thought, it triggers a positive mood in your mind and body inducing actions leading to self-improvement and personal growth.
Pronin: “speed thinking moves you beyond a positive mood to feelings of power, feelings of creativity, high energy, and the confidence of self-esteem.” When you feel good, you act with purpose and meaning; speed reading is your catalyst for growth.

It seems the snail gets the left-overs, while the speedy hare collects success in learning, memory and career. Choose.

Homeostasis is Your Comfort-Zone.

Life and business is constantly changing and yesterday’s whiz-kid and #1 ranked company, is tomorrow’s has-been and also-ran. It’s true in politics too, right? Our experience is 99% of folks say they are in favor of change, but the same 99% will fight major transition with their dying breath.

How many Peak Experiences have you experienced – in your life?
How often do you feel and act as-if you are In-the-Flow, in-the-zone,
and produce creative ideas and act on them? Once, twice?

There is a word in the dictionary – misoneism – fear of the new and
change. We coined a new word – mutaphobia – (not fear of mutts),
a physical and mental fear of any change in your life. This does not
lead us to successfully fulfill our purposeful destiny.

Pragmatism Means Being Practical

Should you plan before you invest time and money?

The intuitive answer is of course, yet over-planning in order to
dot the ‘i’s and cross the ‘t’s is a form of procrastination, inaction
because of fear of failure. Rule: the longer you take to decide Go or
No-Go, the longer your list of reasons not to proceed. Success luvs
speed of deciding.

How important is Enthusiasm to success?

Crazy people buy and sell stock on the basis of tips. When you have a
special insight or knowledge, one of two things happen: you make a
bunch of profit because you guessed right based on the available facts.

The second is you get free room and board for two-years for ‘insider-

Conclusion: Nothing great (good is the status-quo) ever happened without
enthusiasm you could share with others. My definition of enthusiasm is
from Webster’s – Greek, meaning ‘God within’. Enthusiasm is when
your mind is controlled and possessed by a powerful idea.

The antidote to enthusiasm is not research and knowledge, but over-planning
and scaring the life out of yourself so you never start.

How critical is timing to success?

Those who over-investigate before they start, often discover new obstacles and
opposition appear that were not originally present. The economy can change
from optimism to recession, inflation can occur overnight, and interest rates can queer a deal. Investors can change their mind because their Aunt Tilley died, right?

Timing is critical to success. Ideas and new businesses, including access to
Intial Public Offerings, can close within a thirty day time frame.
Move ahead after research, when your enthusiasm is at its peak, or
the project will lose its appeal. Chance, the unknowable and unavoidable,
comes to all individuals and companies. Timing is within your control because
you have the option to Go or No-Go. Winners recognize the power of speed of
taking action.

How linked to success is Stress?

In 2007 scientific research about the health of U.S. corporate executives concluded, thirty (30%) percent suffered significant high blood pressure and weakened
immune response because of career issues. Workplace stress is a killer.

Can you be creative when you fear your team director, downsizing and outsourcing? Stress empties life of our pleasures.

Fear of failure lays the groundwork for erroneous decision-making.
Stress causes inaction and loss of opportunity. What can you do about it?

Knowledge is potential power; realized only with positive action to create successful actions. The University of Cambridge in January 2008 released their study of twenty thousand Brits over the past decade. They made the startling conclusion that making four personal life-style changes can add up to 14 years to your life.

Moderate drinking, no smoking, eating 5 servings of fruits and veggies daily, and exercise are the secrets. Personally I reject their findings unless they add a daily form of stress-busting. Even 15 minutes of relaxed meditation will change the activity of your mind and body.


It is our personal experience that lifelong learning is required to enjoy your added
longevity. Would you be more successful in school and career if you could
read-and-remember three (3) books, articles and reports in the time your peers
and competitors can hardly finish one? We live in the Knowledge-Economy, are
you an active member?

How about stressbusting – would you enjoy life and be healthier by having strategies to overcome the daily stress in your life and workplace?

Ask us how.

See ya,

copyright© 2008
H. Bernard Wechsler

Author's Bio: 

Author of Speed Reading for Professionals, published by Barron's
Original business partner of Evelyn Wood, creator of speed reading,
graduating 2 million, including the White House staffs of four
U.S. Presidents.