Leadership development is crucial for individual and organizational success. Executives and managers are often called upon to find creative solutions to complex situations. It is during these critical moments when an understanding of the Seven Principles of Leadership are essential for success.

Personal Leadership

1. Take Charge of Yourself. You’re responsible for what you think, feel, and do. Decide what your guiding values are and commit to live consistent with them.

2. Rethink your goals and objectives and set new ones. Do they fit your company’s vision of who the company is and where it is going? Decide what you want and where you are going. Plan and execute the plan.

3. Become aware of the new company goals and align your priorities to support the changes. Make sure your priorities also support you and your personal goals and values.

Team Leadership

4. Work to make the changes effective for the company and your team. Swim down stream. Ask for help. No one succeeds alone.

5. Be clear about why the changes are occurring and what the challenges are of others. Listen, be empathetic. Understand the needs of others before concluding.

6. Team with others to leverage their talents, perspectives, skills, experiences, and supportive energies. Work to be creative in solving challenges, especially in relationship building.

7. Keep yourself engaged in learning. Focus on how to better lead and be a team. Think about your customer, their business and personal needs, and how you can help them solve those needs.

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Author's Bio: 

Brett M. Miles is a professional speaker and leadership development consultant for MilestonesInc.com, a firm that helps senior management develop leaders, solve team issues, and change and integrate cultures. Milestones provides state of the art selection and retention strategies, executive coaching, training programs and processes for senior and mid-level managers. With over a decade-long track record in 100+ companies on three continents, Milestones partners with top leaders to improve performance and enhance the quality of relationships in the workplace. Brett Miles can be reached at brett@milestonesinc.com, 800-31-MILES or by visiting http://www.LeadershipDevelopment.bz