A person’s sex life changes over time. But aging or the menopause doesn't always mean we lose interest in sex or the ability to enjoy those pleasures that are personally fulfilling.

"A lot of women worry that they're past their prime,” said Dr. Mary Marnach of the Mayo Clinic. She said that it really marks the beginning of a woman's second adulthood, a chance to live life to the fullest.

Still, there's no shortage of myths and misconceptions about menopause which begins at the one-year mark after a woman's final period. So let's dispel some of these myths once and for all.

Myth 1: Your sex life is over.

Women in menopause may experience vaginal dryness, pain with intercourse and decreased desire. But sex is not over yet - unless you want it to be. Doctors advice treatment to relieve symptoms and hormone therapy is an option.

Myth2: Forgetfulness is coming.

As you grow old, forgetfulness becomes apparent for both men and women. But don't blame it all with the menopause. Major stresses such as a death in the family or retirement can also put your brain in overload and can cause memory problems.

Myth3: You gain weight.

Most women gain 5 to 10 pounds during the post menopause period. Weight gain is inevitable because your metabolism slows down as you get old. Exercise more and eat less to maintain your weight.

Aging is more attractive if you take care of yourself. So lose and maintain weight if necessary. You can do this by exercising for at just 45 minutes every day. Minimize stress by getting enough sleep. Make yourself busy by doing things you've always wanted to do but couldn't because of work, children, and other responsibilities. It's time for you to enjoy yourself the second time around

Menopause is a part of life, not the end of living or enjoyment. If you're sexual health is not up to par, see a physician that you trust, has a good ear to listen, and is up to date in this matter.

Changing your perspective and your view of getting older is powerful weapon in changing how you will cope with menopause. No one can promise that you will ever be 21 again, but if you eat well, take your nutrients and have a positive outlook I life, you can beat these menopause myths. For more information on how to cope with menopause, check out http://www.zalestra.com.

Author's Bio: 

Sharon Bell is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premier online news magazine. http://www.healthnfitnesszone.com