When you're searching for balance, it is really important to create space for play. Playing restores and reenergizes you. It makes you feel good physically. We just have to look at children to be reminded of the magical powers of play.

Think how that used to feel...playing for the fun of it, for pure pleasure.

Play is about making a conscious decision to forget about the day-to-day pressures of life and work, and enjoy yourself for more than a minute or two, for the sole purpose of pleasure. Play is self-defined. Each of us makes distinct choices about how we play.
You may determine that quilting is play for you, while your neighbor's tastes lean towards bungee jumping. Sitting quietly beachside reading a trashy novel might appeal to you as a way to play (okay true confessions that's what I did in Maui), to take pleasure in a sunny afternoon. On the other hand, an evening of salsa dancing may excite your soul.

Rediscover how to play
For some women, taking time to play has been put on the backburner for so long they can't remember how to do it anymore.
Taking some time to remember and reflect on the activities you enjoyed as a child will give you clues as to what it would be like to incorporate play into your life as an adult. Then, gradually start including play time into your days. Do things that you really love to do, and try new activities, too. Playing will add a whole new dimension to your life.

Have your dessert first
What is it about this notion that we must save the best for last? Shifting out of routines and shaking it up a little can go along way to putting a smile on your face. Sometimes, it just makes sense to put play before work. We are conditioned to think that we must get all our work done before we can give ourselves permission to have a good time.

But the unfortunate truth is "everything else" is never done in our busy lives. There's no law that says we have to wait until we've earned the right to play. Set aside some time to play regardless of whether or not the chores are done.

Author's Bio: 

Lisa Martin is a certified coach who inspires working mothers to achieve success that’s balanced. Author of Briefcase Moms: 10 Proven Practices to Balance Working Mothers’ Lives,Lisa is a sought-after expert and speaker on work-life balance issues. Known for her very personal and practical approach, Lisa coaches working mothers to know what they want and get what they want. http://www.briefcasemoms.com