The skill of crafting harmonious relationships can increase productive business collaborations, loving personal relationships, and help you to achieve greater growth in the areas of health and spirituality.

People who are prosperous with relationships have developed the skill of creating harmony with others by:

  • Straightforwardly and clearly communicating their needs, abilities, and limitations without emotional drama.
  • Setting and adhering to healthy boundaries.
  • Distancing one’s self from those exhibiting toxic behaviors including excessive neediness, other co-dependent patterns, and emotional volatility.

People who find themselves in a pattern of conflict, misunderstanding or elusive love typically:

  • Have a style of communicating that is often unclear or irrational in terms of expression or confused in terms of listening and actually hearing and accepting what is being expressed by others.
  • Have challenges not only with setting healthy boundaries but respecting and honoring the boundaries that others set.
  • Have a style of engaging toxic behaviors or creating situations that are emotionally volatile.

To turn a disharmonious pattern of interacting with people into a harmonious pattern, it is important to own one’s behaviors and examine how those behaviors may be contributing to disharmony.

The next step is to begin developing the skills of communicating without emotional agendas and reactivity, which means truly listening and absorbing the feedback that others share and responding in a positive way.

It also involves communicating your needs and boundaries in ways that are positive and calm.

It is also helpful to go inward and examine how one's unique emotional issues may be impacting the style that one has in personal or business interactions. Often times, there are issues that determine the tone of harmony or disharmony that one creates with others.

Author's Bio: 

Kay Hutchinson is a practitioner of Chinese medicine, energetic life coach and teacher of qi gong movement. She is the founder of Aiki Healing (, a private practice in Austin, Texas, and the publisher of "Health Prosperity" a publication dedicated to empowering people to manifest optimum health and wellness. She provides consultant services in long distance (email/phone) formats as well as at her clinic in Austin. 512.468.6588