How are your personal finances doing? I don't mean whether or not you have enough money coming in, but whether money matters seem run smoothly or are usually chaotic.

When was the last time you balanced your checkbook? Are you spending money on things you really don't use or need any longer? Do you keep receipts? Is your filing system up to date, or do you have stacks of paid and unpaid bills or unfiled paperwork just laying around everywhere? Do you know exactly how much debt you really have? Do you have a solid savings and investment plan in place? How do you feel when you think about your financial picture?

Focusing on lack is a bad thing - but that doesn't mean you should stick your head in the sand and ignore your current financial picture, especially if it doesn't give you a feeling of prosperity. In fact, I think you'll be surprised at how much better you'll feel by just getting your financial affairs organized. This step alone will create a space for abundance to start flowing!

Here are the 3 steps:

1) Clear blockages.

Start clearing away anything that could slow down the flow of the abundance you are attracting into your life. This includes throwing away old paperwork that's no longer needed, organizing your desk or the area you use to pay bills, and eliminating money drains like old subscriptions, memberships or services you no longer use.

2) Organize.

There are two reasons why getting organized is important. First, it helps you create a clear picture of where you are now, and then you can compare it to where you want to be. Secondly, it makes you feel more in control. Ignorance is not bliss when it comes to your finances! Rather than fearing how much debt you have, look it in the eye and figure it out so you know what you'll you need to do to reduce it. Also know how much money you have in the bank and investments, and how much you would like to have.

Get all of your financial details organized. File old paperwork that needs to be kept and throw out what you no longer need. Balance your checkbook and reconcile all of your financial statements. Find out exactly how much debt you really have and make a plan for paying it off, create a savings and investment plan if you don't already have one, and start taking small steps to tidy up any loose ends.

3) Organize your life.

Once your finances are in order, you will also want to apply these same actions in other areas of your life. Clear out any material possessions you no longer need and sell them on eBay to start abundance flowing. Organize what you do want to keep. Get rid of drains on your time and energy, like canceling old commitments you no longer wish to keep and spending less time with people who suck your energy.

Once again, these small actions help you feel more in control of your own circumstances, which will trigger a more peaceful state of mind - and attract more of what you want into your life.

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