I need a maid. I regularly find that I either have time to keep a perfectly tidy house or get things done. Since I prefer to get things done, the housework sometimes takes a backseat. It gets done a little less frequently than I'd like.

Our bodies also find themselves forced into this place of prioritization when it comes to detoxification and burning fat.

This is because our liver, our primary organ responsible for detoxification, is also responsible for burning fat. And because so many people take in so many chemicals each day that require detoxification, our bodies then need to de-prioritize burning fat in favor of detoxification. They do this the same way I’m currently de-prioritizing doing the dishes to write this article.

However, if you want to make weight loss easy and fat burning efficient, you’ll need to get your liver, your prime detoxification and fat burning organ, back on your side. You can do this by removing the massive abundance of toxins that are currently stored in your liver and throughout your body.

Your liver is a filter for your blood. It filters out the toxins and chemicals that are common in our diets and lifestyle habits. And like the air filter in your car, it also gets clogged and congested with toxins. Some estimates are that over three fourth’s of the space in this four to five pound organ are currently occupied by storing toxins in most people’s bodies. Since I’ve actively cleaned out this mess from my own liver, and far more from the rest of my body, you’re not going to hear me argue with this seemingly large estimate.

With body and liver cleansing techniques you can actually remove these toxins from your liver to give it the space it needs to burn fat. You can also adopt, as much as possible, a chemical-free lifestyle to dramatically reduce the number of chemicals coming into your body, which will free up some of your liver’s time and energy to burn fat.

An easy way to do this is by making most of your food choices from the produce section of an organic grocery store. If you need to learn a few new food preparation techniques to make this style of eating both easy and delicious, by all means do so.

Buying your soaps, cosmetics, shampoos, and detergents at a health food store will also considerably cut back on the number and harshness of chemicals that regularly enter the body through the skin. All of these small steps can add up to big improvements in our health and weight loss. In fact, you’ll be amazed at what a big difference they can make.

Author's Bio: 

Kim Evans is the author of Cleaning Up! The Ultimate Body Cleanse, which outlines a powerful, yet painless total body cleanse, including liver cleansing. It’ll remove more toxicity than you think is possible!