Are you a “people” person? Do you have the desire to become perfect at interaction and develop your interpersonal skills? You will learn what it takes to connect with others.

Take advantage of proximity. Start talking with those you see on a frequent basis. Try saying, “Hi. I see you a lot and I want to get to know you. What is your name?”

Seize special interaction opportunities. For example, if someone asks you for directions to a close location and you are not too busy, you could say, “The women’s clothing section is on the floor above us. May I come with you?” If you are given permission to tag along and do so, you will have a great chance to acquire a friend.

Pay attention to signals others give you. For example, if someone smiles or waves at you, walk over and say, “Hi. Do you mind if I sit here?” If you get consent to join the person, sit down and start talking.

Learn to work well with others. Maintain a nice appearance, good smell and good manners. Be polite and smile. Avoid using crass language. Have a sense of humor. Laugh when it is appropriate. Follow the written rules and help establish rules your team should follow. Help the team reach a consensus on group decisions.

Learn to display empathy, or trying to understand someone’s situations or actions. Even if someone is at fault for something, you should not say, “It is your fault. You brought this on yourself.” It would be better to say, “Although I do not agree with what you did, I understand why you did it. Let me tell you a better method you can use to solve your problems.” If you avoid being a judge and try to help the other person, you will have a better chance at making a good connection.

Build a good rapport by establishing what you have in common with someone you meet. Ask the other person what he or she likes to do. If you are a baseball fan and the other person is wearing a baseball cap, you should say, “I see that you are a baseball fan too.”

Do not blow an opportunity to have a lifetime relationship. If you develop a bond with someone you meet, ask for his or her telephone number and E-mail address. Make contact at least once a week. Only call or send an E-mail message every day if the other person grants permission.

Making a relationship last requires dedication. Make frequent eye contact to show you can be trusted. Work toward finding a common ground and meeting the other person halfway during conflicts. Honor any commitments you make to do something for or with the other person.

Practice what you have learned to develop your interpersonal skills!

Author's Bio: 

Todd Hicks owns Skill Development Institute, an enterprise that provides a keyboard typing lesson and academic study guide. To become a great typist or student, visit Skill Development Institute.