Everyone finds it ideal to have homemade solar panels installed even before your dream house is ready, it is most efficient and cost effective to build your own homemade solar panels rather than buying them, this way you could be saving thousands that you can use for other home improvements. The best part of it all is that you can save on your energy bills for a lifetime and don't worry -- solar panels aren't that hard to build, there are several great guides that give you step-by-step instructions to make a fully functional solar power system.

Even before starting to make your solar panels you need a little research and find the most profitable components for your DIY project. In fact we've done all the research for you and came up with a few conclusions. You need two basic things to get started, a solid DIY guide and all the necessary components. You won't be spending more than two hundred dollars since all the parts are quite cheap in most hardware shops.

You'll need to make up a list of all the components you need and carefully research for each one of them to find the best price. We've spend in excess one month to find all the parts that are required to install a fully functional solar panel. New solar cells can be costly, depending where you're buying them from. There are several retailers that are selling used solar cells for a quarter of the normal price. (You need to be careful some of these cells might be damaged).

Anyway there's no need to worry because a solid DIY guide will help you not only build solar panels but give you step by step instructions on how to get all the necessary parts at the cheapest price.

Depending on how much energy you will need, you might have to build more than one solar panel and obviously the price will go up a little. Another thing to know is that solar cells are fragile even if they don't seem to be. They can easily be damaged so handle them carefully.

A solid homemade solar panel plan should contain all the information you need to build and use a solar power system and not only that but it must have an online tech support team just in case you're having any difficulties.

Author's Bio: 

If you're tired of high electricity bills discover how thousands of families worldwide benefit from homemade solar panels to power their homes.

For more information on how to build your own solar panels visit our Earth 4 Energy Review.