In Part 1 of this series, we discussed how to find, develop, and enter information onto a website that you get for free. In this article, we will cover how to find quality products that sell and do not require you to pay any money upfront.

Using the Internet is one of the least expensive ways to make money and start our own business. You don’t need to rent or buy a store. You don’t need to have, buy, or stock inventory. And you don’t need to pay employees to service your customers. All of these things can be done for free on the Internet.

Locating profitable products is a primary concern if you are starting your own business. There are a number of different ways that you can find profitable products to sell on your site.

You must first decide if you want to sell a physical product, such as electronic equipment, or a digital product, such as an ebook. Both types can be sold without you having to pay for, or stock inventory. To explore physical products, do a search for drop shippers. A drop shipper will take orders from your customers and send them any products that they purchase. They stock inventory, take care of payment processing, and ship the product to your customer. Your only job is to get visitors to visit their sales page. For this service, you make a percentage of each sale the drop shipper makes. Some drop shippers charge you an initial fee to register with them. If you are just starting out, look for drop shippers that will allow you to start with no upfront fee.

Also, do some research to determine what their products sell for elsewhere. If a TV costs $199 at a local store and your drop shipper is charging $249, you will not sell many TV’s. Look for products that your drop shipper is selling at a discount.

I prefer to sell digital ebooks. As with the drop shipper, you do not need to carry inventory or pay anything upfront. ClickBank is the largest provider of digital ebooks. There is no charge to register with them. Like the drop shipper, they take care of all of the customer issues such as collecting payment, shipping out products, and dealing with customers. Again, your only job is to direct visitors to their sales page. I prefer this method, because there is never a problem of being out of stock or long delivery times.

Choose whichever type of product suits you and your business best. In Part 3 of this series, you learn how to advertise website and products absolutely free.

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