Or… Stop waiting and start taking action from where you are right now.

For many of us, storms bring fear, uncertainty, anxiety and the need for protection from the elements, even though we are safely tucked away inside our homes. It seems that every time we have a storm, we put everything on ...Or… Stop waiting and start taking action from where you are right now.

For many of us, storms bring fear, uncertainty, anxiety and the need for protection from the elements, even though we are safely tucked away inside our homes. It seems that every time we have a storm, we put everything on hold, until the storm blows over.

In my coaching, I’ve come to discover that there is an amazing similarity and alignment between a real storm with thunder and lightning, and lashing rains and a “storm” in our lives – a Life Storm.

I define a Life Storm as a challenging situation, event, or events, real or potential, that, because of our perceptions, paradigms and fearful approach to life, we would prefer not to experience.

Running from life
The moment we see the dark clouds and hear a few thunder claps caused by the lightning, we run for cover like wild rabbits escaping their hunter. Heart palpitating, eyes rapidly blinking, with anxiety coursing through our bodies, we take cover, fear driving the moment – limiting our every thought and action

In life we have similar situations whereby we run away and hide from the life-storm we envision approaching. Whilst this may be the easiest approach to life, in the long run, it invariably and simply is not the most intelligent or empowering approach to growth and empowerment.

We recently completed an extremely successful teambuilding event for a government department. Our pre event research discovered a number of issues – “life storms” the people had experienced and tried to avoid in the past, that was affecting their present day performance, energy, enjoyment and health.

With some simple guidance they were able to rapidly clear the static that was created by trying to avoid the previous challenging encounters.

So the reality is… anybody can become a Storm Dancer anywhere and anytime.

So here is my coaching challenge…Scan through your life-line and see what Life Storms you’ve tried to avoid. What can you do, right now, to resolve and clear the static that’s been created by your attempted avoidance of the situation.

The reality is that our bodies can survive and recover from anything, with the exception of death. So why do we go though life only dancing when the sun is shining? What’s got to happen for you to be courageous and proactive enough to become a storm dancer?

To be able to dance in de-light, as well as in de-storm, we need to grow - not remain in our prison we defensively call our comfort zone. This means a few things that can transform your life.

In fact freedom is just a thought away. And growth is the real reason you are here on this planet.

Thought 1. You are not your body or your thoughts – you are much, much, much, more.

Thought 2. Everything in your life up to now – you’ve attracted with your thoughts, decisions and actions.

Thought 3. Pain is inevitable – suffering is a self induced experience and fully optional.

Thought 4. There is more to life than a job, a diamond ring, a hubby, and fancy clothes.

Thought 5. 90% of people will retire in poverty – mental, emotional and financial poverty.

Thought 6. Resilience is the most fundamentally potent ability you can have.

Thought 7. Joy is your birthright. Pain, prejudice, fear and politics - you’ve learnt from people hurting themselves, and others, unnecessarily and unconsciously.

Thought 8. You think you are awake and aware… But in truth you are probably still fast asleep. Time to wake up to your power, your choices, to your SELF.

Thought 9. Most people unconsciously waste their energy, leaking it, either into past issues or future fears, leaving very little for NOW – this is how dis-ease comes about.

Thought 10. You are the master of your experiences, how you interpret them, the meaning you give them, your responses to them, and the juice you get out from them.

For many people, their internal “storms” never cease. What they don’t understand, through lack of consciousness and awareness, is that they are the creators of these internal storms, and/or, they have allowed themselves to become infected by external attachments or energies that invisibly contaminate their thoughts, feelings, perspectives and experiences.

We all have choice – Some just don’t use it.

I love the saying…If it is to be…it’s up to me!

If you are waiting for the “right time”, waiting for the storms to pass or subside, you will always acquiesce and passively accept the circumstances around you.

Instead become your own storm dance leader. Become a leader of your self and your life through your Soul. Take charge and take action with courage, love and awareness.

Storm Dancers love and live life, no matter what the weather. Storm Dancers are free to dance anytime. Storm Dancers are courageous in the face of their fears – They act from love. They ask “why not?”, instead of “why me?”

Storm Dancers are energized by the challenges of life. Storm Dancers learn, explore and grow to become more resilient, more astute, more capable, more aware and more loving. Can you really love if you have fear of losing what you love?

Fear drives most choices
Most people live the game of life from the perspective of defense – protecting what you have, holding tight to what you’ve created and experienced. Consider living from the perspective of embracing and encountering what life brings.

If a soccer team always defends their goals, they can NEVER WIN the game! To win we must shift our focus from fearing loss to loving the game. And the game includes winning and losing at times.

This is the reality of life that storm dancers embrace the NOW. Life includes ups and downs. To expect things to ALWAYS be up and perfect is unreasonable, and creates a great internal resistance to and stress about the unexpected and unwanted “downs” of life.

Many people who are “depressed” are often unconsciously angry with out enthusiasm.

Storm dancers have the awareness, the courage and the power to overcome anything life throws them. And the truth is so do you. So whether you’re an unconscious Storm Dancer, a neophyte Storm Dancer or a blossoming Storm Dancer. Always remember this. You have the power to make the difference that makes the real difference.

Only 2% of people get to real LOVE
As each person develops their awareness and their consciousness, so too does their power and love grow. According to extensive research by DR David Hawkins, (Power Vs Force) less then 2% of the planet ever get to the consciousness level of authentic love.

Not the weak, frail, needy, you complete me, I need you, I’ll love you if…type of love. It’s the ability to love in spite of the circumstances.

Time to make your choice
So you have a choice to make right now… Are you ready to choose to become a powerful, awake, aware, conscious, energized, loving Storm Dancer?

Then choose it now and never ever again allow some external issue or challenge to inhibit your love for self and others. Choose to shine you light in de-light, it’s the light thing to do.

Storm Dancers do it with Energy, Passion and real Love! –


Your Coach & Alchemist
Tony Dovale

Storm Dancers Passion – By Tony Dovale

Thunder rumbles and lightning flashes in the night
Please help me Lord – I’m scared, I might die of fright

I’m so confused and unsure of what to say of do
I wish, I wish I didn’t have to see this through

My courage seems to have left my side
This seems to feel as if I’ve almost died

It’s really time for me to take another chance at life
It’s time for me to step up and face the strife

It’s time I looked deep inside my heart
And found the courage to make a new start

I know that if I really make a strong and powerful stand
This storm will past and leave it’s gift in my hand

Storm Dancers – live to learn, laugh and love
Knowing that their gifts come from above

Above the rain, sound and fury of the storm
Storm dancers know that challenges are the norm

Take heart apprentice; take back your power now
Start Storm dancing today; create a life of WOW

You have everything you need to dance
You just have to decide to take that chance

A chance to become a storm dancer is in your destiny
This is your chance to set yourself totally free

Free from fear, suffering, hurt, shame and hate
Become a storm dancer now before it’s too late

Stop being a victim and blaming others all
For all your suffering and your little falls

To live life fully - start storm dancing now
You are the master – take charge and show us how.

Only victims and the wounded blame and bleat and warn
Others, awaken to take up the challenge and hail the storm.

Gone are my days of complacency and jeer
Gone are my nights of indifference and fear

Gone is the way that we used to be
Fearful, victims with no hope to see

Now the corner is turned, heaven knows we've learned
We’re storm dancing even though we were burned

Storm dancing frees your soul
No more fear, no suffering, no victim is the goal

Storm dancing - it’s your Souls call
To take it easy – but, to take it all.

I’ll see you out in life – Storm Dancing with us all.


Tony Dovale
lifemasters Team Building

Author's Bio: 

Tony Dovale is CEO and Founder of www.lifemasters.co.za
. AQ coach, Expert Speaker, Author, catalyst, and energy healer. Tony Dovale is involved in leading edge developments relating to leadership, performance, engagement and resilience. He is the developer of the REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE High Performance System for optimising People, Teams, Leadership and Culture

To contact Tony Dovale + 27(0)834476300