A Vision Board is a simple tool you can create to help you with getting what you want out of life via the law of attraction and manifestation. It is the visual equivalent of your thoughts, of what you desire and want in life. Your Vision Board could be your idea of a dream trip you want to take or a
great house created in the form of photographs, paintings, drawings, sketches or magazine cut outs posted on a poster board. The Vision Board is another tool to manifest your goals and achieving your desires. They say that pictures are worth a thousand words. The Vision Board gives your thoughts that extra focus that will give your thoughts more power.

The Vision Board also helps with visualization, another important tool in achieving what you want out of life by being able to think and get a visual picture of what you want in your mind. Visualizing that you have already achieved your goals is another way of utilizing the law of attraction. The
brain can’t tell the difference between what is real or what is thought.

When you use your imagination in a creative way, that is seeing an image such as an event or object clearly in your mind, we attract it to us. It can be equated to a change of attitudes you have grown up with and confront every day because you will see things with a different perspective. Some may want to call this magic, but it is actually something that is within your
power to utilize, it’s in everyone’s power. Therefore, if you
visualize/think about what you want and ‘feel’ that you have achieved it, reality will begin to conform to what your thoughts are by transmitting the thoughts and goals into positive action. The idea behind this is the thought ‘If you can visualize it, you can do it.’

The law of attraction states that what you are able to think about, you can bring about in your conscious life and a Vision Board is a great tool to reinforce your positive thoughts by giving the thoughts more focus. The self-empowering movie called ‘The Secret’ is about the law of attraction.
The movie can be downloaded free via the internet and is well written and has a professional movie feel. It is also available on DVD. The Secret interviews various people about how the law of attraction and manifestation worked for them. Again, this isn’t magic and there are scientific studies that prove that the law of attraction works. When you believe something is
possible, we open ourselves to new possibilities and we may be willing to take risks. Have you ever wanted a car and then start noticing a particular car that you really like and want, or at least one like it, then suddenly the car you were looking at becomes available? That is how the law of attraction can work without us really knowing anything about the law of
attraction. It isn’t magic. It is an ability that is within us all, but some need a little help in learning how to use the power of the mind.

Author's Bio: 

Conrad Raw is an expert in practical techniques for personal and
spiritual development. He is the author of "Forbidden Secrets Of
Personal And Energetic Development." He travels the world to
learn and teach and is the founder of
Greater Human