Do you think it is possible that all thought has an intelligent design? This intelligence like the programming of a computer chip becomes activated and begins directing the body and the imagination to produce consistent and predictable results.

Imagine that there are hundreds of thoughts all programmed to produce different results. Results ranging from success, money, new ideas, solutions, abundance, failure, lack, depression, happiness, kindness, hate, conflict, peace, joy, and so forth.

Could it be possible that the design and use of thought is so simple that all we have to do in order to experience the results of a particular thought, is to activate it? To activate a thought, all we have to do is concentrate on it for about 30 seconds.

For example, hold in mind the thought of biting into a sour juicy lemon for a few seconds. Just imagine as you are biting into the sour lemon that juice squirts all over your mouth.

Did you experience anything from this example? Did your mouth water? Did you feel any sensations on or in your mouth? You may have noticed that you did not need the actual lemon for the body and imagination to produce the results of that thought.

Could it be possible that there is an automatic and natural behavioral doing, feeling and imaginings that happen with all thoughts once they are held in mind?

Imagine that we can achieve anything we want in life because there is a thought programmed to create it. For example, if we want to win a mouth watering contest we will imagine biting into a sour juicy lemon.

Start Leaning the Results Thoughts are Designed to Produce

This week notice a goal that you would like to achieve and then become aware of one thought that comes to mind. For instance, you might have a financial goal that you would like to achieve and notice yourself believing a thought like, "I can’t do this, I don’t know how".

Then, when you have time to go into your mind, sit down and watch yourself as you have your financial goal and you believe the thought "I can’t do this, I don’t know how". Ask yourself, what did I do when I believed this thought? Notice what feelings were generated within your body. Look at your facial and bodily expressions. How fast or slow do you talk? What effect does it have on your mood? What do you teach others as you believe this thought?

Also write down what you will do right now in this moment, tomorrow, the next day or the next year if you continue to believe this thought. How many other goals will your reach?

Lastly, write down in one sentence the results the thought "I can’t do this, I don’t know how" is programmed to produce once it is activated.

Now, imagine that you still have your financial goal but this time you can only believe an opposite thought like "yes, I don’t know how but I am willing to find out".

Go in your mind for a few minutes and concentrate on the thought, "yes, I don’t know how but I am willing to find out". Watch yourself as you live your life with your financial goal and you believe this thought.

What kinds of things do you do when you believe this thought? What is the energy like in your body? Look at yourself from a distance; what does your facial and bodily expressions reflect? When you talk to others about your goal, what does the conversation sound like? How do others respond to you?

Again, notice how you might live right now in this moment, tomorrow, the next day or the next year if you continue to believe this thought? Do you see yourself reaching your goal?

Lastly, write down in one sentence the results the thought "yes, I don’t know how but I am willing to find out" is programmed to produce once it is believed.

Then, go back and compare the results, actions and feelings generated in your body when you believed either of the two thoughts. Do you see a difference in the results these two thoughts produce?

Is it possible that your day or your life could go in two different directions depending on the thought you chose to believe?

How difficult was it to believe either of the two thoughts? Do you have a choice in which thought you can believe? What stops you from reaching your goal, the fact that you don’t know how or the thought "I can’t, I don’t know how"?

Keep practicing and learning what results different thoughts produce. Very quickly you may discover there is a thought designed to produce any result or experience you could want in life. We are truly free and unlimited.

Author's Bio: 

Sherri Hatch is the author of The Secret Power of Thought. Visit to discover more tools and information for using thoughts to create the life of your design. Do you want to see what you can achieve in 7 Days? Take our free 7 Day Challenge and find out.