Why Journaling Works:

Journaling works because you write what comes to mind allowing your thoughts to evolve and surface. This is known as stream of consciousness writing and it's the purest form of writing because it reaches the paper unedited.

By writing a little every day, you are in contact with your feelings, thoughts, opinions, etc. This is crucial to having a life filled with integrity. Or as we like to call it, living life authentically.

Everyone needs a safe place to express themselves without judgement or ridicule. In a private journal, you have a trusted confidante who you know will not spill your secrets. It's up to you to keep the journal in a safe place.

You can begin to express your creativity and individuality by carefully selecting a journal of who you are. It doesn't have to fancy or expensive, just feel good for you. The design and texture of the journal not only reflects who you are but also should give you immense pleasure when holding it and thus writing in it. This makes a big difference in how often you'll use it. For it to be effective, you do have to use it fairly regularly.

The act of writing your thoughts down on paper, gives them legitimacy. It's a great time to really get to know yourself and take your hopes, dreams, and wants seriously.

It has been known to heal broken hearts, and has been a great source of strength for people undergoing certain changes.

You don't have to feel obligated to write everyday, but it is a good idea to try even if it is just a short paragraph or two.

To help get you started, we've listed some journal topics that have been very well-received in terms of helping people make a connection.

Suggested Journaling Topics:

1) You at 85:
Imagine that today is your 85th birthday and a reporter is going over to your house to interview you. You have about 10 minutes to highlight important things in your life up to now. Discuss significant events in your life, people you've known and loved, places you've seen, good will that you've shown, etc. Describe your life exactly how you would like it to have been should you be 85 years old looking back.

2) My Favorite Treasure:
What is your favorite material thing? It should be something that holds great personal value to you. If you had to save one material thing from your house, what would it be? Discuss why it's so important to you? What value do you get out of it?

3) My Favorite Space:
Describe your favorite space in the whole world. It doesn't have to belong to you, but it should be the place that you go to that brings you great happiness, joy and a sense of safety.

Author's Bio: 

Ivy and Amanda are certified high school teachers with experience in promoting self esteem, and offer creative and insightful self improvement tips, worksheets, quotes and articles designed to help you with your journey towards greater fulfillment which can all be found at their website: www.self-improvement-starting-now.com