Even though current events seem to indicate that the world is going to hell in a handbasket, as my beloved grandfather used to say, I believe that the human race is coming together. There is tremendous demand for positive change, which is rocking the foundations of the old order. The “establishment” – which just represents the old way of thinking -- is resisting in the only way it knows how: through the old, conventional patterns of conflict, coercion, propaganda, and guile.
The old memes, or patterns of thought, have been strongly established within the human psyche over the past 5 millennia. They act as attractors do in chaos theory, forming basins that direct thought and action back to them.
Einstein postulated the well-accepted idea that gravity is the curvature of space. Like a bowling ball on a trampoline, space actually curves around a massive object, causing everything in its vicinity to have a tendency to fall into its orbit. When you put smaller balls on the trampoline, they move toward the bigger ball.
Imagine that thought has the same properties. Imagine that the big ball in the center is composed of all of the old, outdated beliefs of humanity, like conflict resolution through war, greed, scarcity, domination, control, guile, etc. Even though these thought forms are irrational, they have come to be widely accepted. And when that happens, they act as attracting basins, guiding the thoughts and beliefs of individuals to them.
If you’ve ever been in the presence of a powerful person, you know how he or she almost magnetically draws you into their space, and their ideas. If you’ve ever been with a group of people who all thought one way, while you thought another, you know what I’m talking about. Thought itself has a presence that you can feel, and it can entrain other thoughts to it. The more people agree on something, even if it is nutty, the more powerful it becomes.
It’s the same with widely accepted ideas like patriotism, and war, and poverty, and “you can’t fight the government.” That’s what has happened with the thought forms of the human race. We have built a prison of self-limiting thought, and we have been stuck in it for the past 5,000 years. But that is changing rapidly as the internet, and mobile technology, have brought us together. People all over the world are demanding positive change, but this demand is as yet undirected, and that is causing chaos. But it’s a positive chaos, because it is leading to the establishment of a new attracting basin of thought.
The old thought forms are now coming up for inspection. As the consciousness of humanity rises, it is detaching from the old attractor and disturbing it. The thought forms of the new consciousness are forming a new attractor. Like a guy stuck in a bog, he’s going to make a mess when he begins to extricate himself!
In order for this leap of consciousness to occur on a species-wide level, however, humanity must, as individuals, step into their power. By that I mean, individuals must trust themselves, think for themselves, make their own decisions and live their lives as if each decision has meaning. Stepping into your power means understanding that the universe has been designed to support each and every decision you make, and that your choices result in corresponding manifestations. In the new energy, it is no longer supported to allow others “higher up on the chain” to make your decisions for you. No longer is it possible to sit on the fence, or detach yourself from life, and hope that something good will come. When the wind blows strongly, you must brace yourself, or be blown hither and yon. You must have a direction!
The population increase has resulted in a vibrational acceleration of consciousness, on the subtle but powerful plane of thought. All of us feel this. Some of us feel it as an inner excitement, an eagerness to get going and create. Some of us experience this as nervousness or anxiety. And those who strongly resist the new energy strongly feel depressed, or panicked, as they see the old patterns of thought dissolving. This causes them to react irrationally. And if you have any inkling of what is going on in government and high finance, you know that irrationality is the order of the day!
In just about every country on planet earth, individuals have allowed self-seeking incompetents to rise to the top of our political and economic structures. I have been watching politics for 40 years here in the United States, and I have seen a parade of morons at the highest levels, who seem bent on doing the worst for our country.
But my message is not a negative one. I believe that the human race is creating the conditions we see manifesting before us – there are no evil forces out there deciding what is to be our future.
It is so exciting! This time, right now, is what many of us signed up for. We wanted to be here, to help push the human race to a new level of consciousness. No matter what happens on the way, I believe that we will evolve to a new level of awareness as a species.
The human race is manifestly an adolescent species. The first, very basic requirement for a sane species is internal cooperation. If you look over our history for the past 7,000 years, you will see quite readily that humanity has been fighting a sort of internecine battle within itself. The human race has never advanced for any length of time without collapsing again. Cultures have risen and golden ages have come about, but never permanently.
We have looked at history and assumed that it is a natural law that societies rise and fall, but nothing could be farther from the truth.
The truth is that our decisions determine the parameters and the boundaries of what is possible, and what is not possible. The big ball in the middle of the diagram above represents the collective thoughts of the race. The goal of the old order is to keep the thoughts of individuals revolving around the same tired and superfluous concepts. The goal of the new consciousness should not be to fight the old order (for then the action occurs on their turf) but to create the new.
It isn’t possible to create something new by fighting the status quo, because then your thoughts are entrained and focused on what is not wanted. This is very well understood by those who prefer to keep things exactly as they are!
The questions we must ask ourselves are,
What do you want in your life?
What is possible ?
The answers to these questions will determine how far we can advance in our personal lives, and how far our species will advance. Fuzzy, undirected thought will lead to a fuzzy, undirected outcome.
With the huge increase in population, consciousness is approaching a tipping point. But will we go back to the old ways, or strike off boldly into a new era? Will this change be a very small quantum leap, or a large one?
Again we must ask ourselves, what do we believe is possible?
Do not fret. All is well. We are now on an exciting journey, both personally and as a race, into a new level of consciousness. If we reach for the stars, we will get them!
Kenneth James Michael MacLean has written 8 inspiring books, over 100 content-rich articles, and produced two movies.
Visit Ken at his website, The Big Picture, at kjmaclean.com
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