Fibromyalgia (or FMS for fibromyalgia syndrome) is a chronic syndrome characterized by musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and multiple tender points, particularly in the neck, spine, shoulders, and hips.

Fibromyalgia mainly affects muscles and their attachment to bones. Although it may feel like an arthritic joint disease, fibromyalgia is not a true form of arthritis and does not cause deformities of the joints. Instead, fibromyalgia is a form of muscular rheumatism causing muscle pain. There is no swelling involved and the joints are not often affected. But pain is felt in the muscles, ligaments or tendons. By the way, Fibromyalgia literally means: pain in the muscles and soft tissues.

The American College of Rheumatology (ACR) guidelines direct doctors making a fibromyalgia diagnosis to test 18 points on your body for tenderness. Your doctor puts light pressure with his or her fingers on each point to see whether you feel pain. ACR criteria state that pain at 11 of the points may indicate fibromyalgia. Extensive research reveals that, proliferation of fibromyalgia in society is a direct manifestation of our changed lifestyles. When people around the world experience similar problems, it's not a random incident but a methodical process spreading across cultures and borders.
You see, our lifestyle choices have gotten us into this mess. We need to make the right choices to get us out.
The fact is the exponential increase in fibromyalgia is really the result of the way our lives have changed. The bad news is we are used to living a certain way now and it isn’t easy to change. The good news is that change is in our power and with it better health. Yes, fibromyalgia is NOT a life threatening condition. Fibromyalgia is curable and can be easily reversed.
Everyday now more and more people are finding that they can quickly reverse their fibromyalgia.

To learn more about how you can follow a proven plan to beat fibromyalgia, visit

Author's Bio: 

Matt Traverso is a public speaker, natural health expert and best selling author who teaches people how to dramatically improve their health naturally, without expensive and potentially dangerous prescription drugs. His work has helped people around the world get off prescription drugs and easily adopt healthy lifestyle choices that make illness and disease simply vanish. Visit for more information on how to cure fibromyaglia naturally without harmful drugs.