Is it a requirement that you be a good person to be successful? I suppose not but that also depends on your definition of what it means to be successful. Most people think of success in only the sense of making a lot of money. I personally feel that money is a by-product of success, rather than something that defines it.

Success, in a nutshell, having your act together in all walks of life. It means having a solid personal life in which you positively impact people around you. It means having professional pursuits that are rewarding and fulfilling. What ties these two parts of your life more so than anything else? The answer lies in your core values.

Core values are our internal conscience and reflect both the way we were brought up and simply how we view our place in the world. Examples of core values would include honesty, caring about the well-being of others, solid work ethic, and appreciation that your actions reflect on who you are.

It’s importance to address a couple of prevailing opinions that affect the discussion of values, as they relate to success. First, there’s the image of the arrogant but rich individual who treats those around them terribly. It could be falsely construed that success is not based upon being a good person by viewing a person like this.

Just remember, being successful and being rich aren’t necessarily the same thing. When the day is done, money is nice and having satisfaction that you are an important contributor to society are two different things. Instead of asking yourself, ‘How much money do I have?’, ask instead, ‘How many lives have my successful lifestyle affected?’ You can positively impact the world and still have money because your values are guiding you down the road of life!

Another common misconception is that nice people finish last. I don’t think that could be further from the truth. First of all, many successful people have great core values and are just great people. Second, just because you’re a great person doesn’t mean that success is just going to fall into your lap! You still have to work for it and do the right things to make success happen. Great core values may just accelerate the process, once you are heading down the road towards success.

In conclusion, your core values reflect who you are. Your pursuit of success should build upon your values almost exclusively. Pursuits that stray away from your values are going to meet greater challenges because they go against the grain of who you are as a person. When you remain true to who you are, you must still strive for success but it will be more rewarding when you achieve it!

Author's Bio: 

Whether from her home office in Dallas, Texas, or traveling around the country, SHARON CAPEHART, the Empress of Empowerment, makes it her mission to "wake up" women everywhere to the incredible potential they have long forgotten they possess. She is the author of "The Power 2 Be You!," creator of "A Woman's Path to Success" as well publisher of the FREE Power Up! ezine. Sharon's breakthrough "Path To Success" series helps women build a solid foundation for success as Sharon herself guides them on a journey to a life filled with excitement and personal power! "A Woman's Path To Success" is available now at

Sharon Capehart, Empress of Empowerment, is an Author, Coach, Speaker and Entrepreneur. Sharon will help you build a solid foundation of confidence, cultivate a success-oriented mindset, and walk with you on your journey to a life filled with Passion, Excitement and Personal Power. For more information please visit