Then why do you suppose my bank balance is not showing it?

As a young girl I dreamt of all those wonderful things like living in the lap of luxury and being filthy rich. Although, as I a child I lived a meager existence, I had an insatiable desire to have all that I could ever have imagined. I believed that having money, lots of money was desirable. With money my life would be less restrictive. I could do and have whatever I wanted. Money, I believed, was the fuel that would empower my life with an abundance of possibilities and pleasures. So, at the ripe old age of seventeen I set out on a treasure hunt.

With an eager heart and a zest for adventure, my quest was challenged every step of the way. Largely due to the fact that my stubborn will kept getting in my own way. I had a boyfriend that seemed to love me, yet, it wasn’t the love that I had fantasized in my younger days. Leaving my family, I compromised my own desires again and again, thinking that someone else knew better than I did, so I allowed them to show me the way. More times that I dare to admit; I realized I was at another dead-end.

It is funny how every one of us is blessed with a guide. An earthly guide as well as a cast of spiritual guides if we will just acknowledge their help and presence. I had the knack of attracting much older people into my life who weaved their magical presence and wisdom into my life. They ranged from being schoolteachers, to fellow employees, to my landlord, to a total stranger that I met unexpectedly one day.

One particular special individual, who comes to my mind, is a wise woman, who I love dearly,named Zoë. The Greek translation of her name means "the tree of LIFE." She looks like a magical fairie. Her presence embodies the unparallel wisdom of a sage as well as the grace and inner bliss I admired. Navigating through some sticky transitions, she taught me that I could create anything I desired and that I was a divine being. Wow! I thought. A divine being living in a human body to evolve through this life experience, was a bit difficult to wrap this egoic brain of mine around.

She turned me on to read books, which I devoured. First she introduced me to books designed to awaken the core of my being to full awareness, The Book of Knowledge: The Key of Enoch and The Voyage of the Starseed by J.J.Hurtak. To further teacher me how to create and apply manifesting techniques in my everyday life, she introduced me to the Key to Yourself by Dr. Venice Bloodworth, The Prosperity Bible by Napoleon Hill, Benjamin Franklin, Wallace D. Wattles, and countless others. I was thrilled with what I read. These books mapped out the path to my treasure. They told me that the secret to manifesting anything I wanted was in my thoughts and my words. If I thought the right thoughts and spoke the right words, I could manifest anything.

I took all that I read to heart and experimented with it. It worked. I placed my townhouse of seven years up for sale at Thanksgiving of 2003. Financially I was strapped and I needed to liquidate my assets. By December 9, I had two cash buyers present me with the contracts at the price that I had desired. I closed on my townhouse in a Chicago suburb on December 19 and moved to Arizona on the following day. Everyone around me told me that it was not possible, as I worked to stay free from all negative vibes. It was easy. I found that I was good at manifesting the outcomes I desired. This was terrific, and so simple. All I was doing was focusing my thoughts and my words on something and I manifested it. At least, at that time, that’s what I thought I was doing.

After having achieved a major in the process of manifestation magic, I decided that it was time to step up the pace and manifest big things, like wealth. If I could create wonderful opportunities, I could certainly create wealth. Why not? All I had to do to was to think prosperous thoughts and say wonderful affirming words. I was convinced that by continuously thinking and saying, "I am, that I AM. I am a magnet to money. It flows to me in divine and perfect ways. I am, that I AM." I would be rich in no time at all. But I wasn’t. Months of focused thoughts and words didn’t lead me to the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow or produce bags of cash on my doorstep. My windfall didn’t appear, but underneath my life was changing and shifting me to evolve.

I had previously manifested money and a new career by using thoughts and affirmations. If this was all that it took, why wasn’t I rich? I began to rethink my premise. Did I have to do something else to manifest wealth? Was creating massive amounts of money more difficult than creating cars and jobs? Was it time for a different strategy? I went in search of the answers and found Shakti Gawain’s Creative Visualization. OK, I was missing a piece of the formula. To manifest wealth, I had to not only think the right thoughts and say the right words but also hold the right visions. Ah, yes. Got it. Yet nothing seemed to happen.

I took out my treasure map and retraced my steps. I was thinking like a wealthy person, or at least spending like one. I memorized and regularly repeated several rhythmical affirmations about money. I visualized my wallet crammed full of money. I tithed so that the Universe would know that I was in the flow and not afraid to give money away. So where was my treasure?

I was beginning to think that manifesting money was, really, a lot harder and probably somehow different than manifesting other things. Yes, I knew that the Universe didn’t discriminate between big or small manifestations, but I did. Maybe I just needed some help. After all, two minds are better than one and when two or more are gathered together with one-focus things manifest more quickly. Don’t they?

I started a Dream Weavers group with several of my friends. We came together once each week to visualize and empower each other’s goals of manifesting money. We even went so far as to create a group collage depicting ourselves as winners of a very large lottery. This went on for some time but no treasure became visible. What was I missing?

When years of looking for the solution to manifesting wealth in outside sources like books and seminars had not led me to my gold mine, I took my quest within. I sat in silence and asked for guidance. I was led to study the workings of the unconscious mind through psychology and hypnotherapy. I discovered and became a Reiki Master Teacher. I performed energy work, and learned the power of the chakras. I delved further into the spiritual mysteries and quantum physics. In the silence, I expanded my own spiritual energy. My ability to receive knowledge directly from the Universe increased. My ego became quiet. In my search for wealth I found the greater gifts of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. I also discovered the pieces of the manifestation process that I had overlooked.

Spinning out of my own state of confusion and denial, I had assumed that all that I was doing was thinking, speaking, and seeing, but I was really doing something else. I was becoming. And what I was becoming was a Creator. I realized that as I become so do those who are connected with me. It became my sacred mantra, “As I become, so do you!” When I was finally able to see the entire picture of the manifestation process, I discovered that it was not the visions I created in my mind, the thoughts I held or the words I said, but what I Knew and felt within myself and who I was that manifested. I discovered that to manifest a thing, I had to become One with that thing. I had to "Become the Thing Itself."

Becoming the Thing Itself

Becoming the Thing Itself is a state of being that blends faith, conscious thought, action, subtle energy shifts, and body movements. It’s a feeling, a belief system and a thought pattern, as well as a physical, mental, and emotional experience. "Becoming the thing itself" is a natural state of being, like birthing into a form that is more alive and full of energy.

Think about who you are at this moment. Is it difficult to be who you are? Do you have to work at being yourself? No. You simply are you. It’s easy to be you. Being you is natural. Your thoughts and actions flow from you effortlessly. And, most importantly, you accept being you without question. You’re in total faith that being you is the only thing you can be. Likewise, when you "become the thing itself," whatever that thing is, it will be as natural a state to you as "being you right now" is. It will flow from you effortlessly, and you’ll accept being "the thing itself" without question.

Becoming the thing itself is a function of faith. You must experience unquestioning acceptance—in other words, complete faith—in yourself as this thing. You must become one with it, making it your own. Your thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and behaviors concerning this thing must flow from you effortlessly—be in faith and become it.

Faith is more than belief;
it is unconditional belief.

Faith is more than trust;
it is complete trust.

Faith is more than confidence;
it is unwavering confidence.

Faith is more than conviction;
it is absolute conviction.

When I look back at the young woman who so easily faced creating certain defining moments of joy, I see a woman undeniably filled with faith as she moved each time bravely into her future. I see a woman who knew who she was, who felt worthy and powerful and who was a creator in every moment. In contrast, when I review my quest for money, I find the opposite of perfect faith. I find doubt. And when in doubt, no amount of thoughts, words, or visions will work. Wealth cannot be manifested while in a consciousness of doubt. Wealth only manifests when one is filled with faith in the abundance of the Universe. Wealth appears when one’s state of being is that of prosperity.

As I have reversed my doubts and released my beliefs in "lack"; I have gained true faith in my ability to create, and now, I have become the wealth itself. Now, money has begun to flow into my life. In fact, it has been happening so gradually, so naturally, that at first I didn’t notice what was unfolding for me. The proverbial pot of gold has not appeared at the end of any rainbow, but my life is continually radiating like a rainbow does after each storm. I have not won a jackpot of any sort, but I have become more wealth oriented in my thoughts and beliefs, and the flow of wealth is gradually manifesting in my life. Like a continual stream of abundance, my life is blessed with magic, miracles, magnificence and money!

Funny thing is, the more wealth I create, the less I focus on it. It’s just a part of who I am—something I, well, continue to appreciate its presence, blessings and energy with endless gratitude!

Copyright © 2007 by Joy Malumphy - All Rights Reserved

Author's Bio: 

Joy is a writer, author, and a Certified Executive Coach, specializing in Emotional Intelligence. For more details, email her at or contact her at 480-330-4500.