One of the most important processes in your body is the process by which the pH balance is maintained. Body pH measures the number of hydrogen ions in solution within the body. The pH scale ranges from 0-14 with 6.4 alkaline for body fluid, not including blood which is a normal 7.3 pH. An acidic pH has a low ability to attract hydrogen ions, while an alkaline solution has a high ability to attract hydrogen ions. "p" stands for potential and "H" stands for hydrogen; henceforth, the potential of the body to attract hydrogen ions to secure balance and health.

Each liquid solution in the body has its proper pH. It is important, and fun, to test your body pH periodically to check for any imbalances that might create an environment for disease.

Your body pH is something you must not ignore if you wish to maintain perfect health, regain lost immunity, or maintain proper weight. The farther away from perfect balance pH travels, the more serious health problems may develop and the more difficult it may be to maintain proper weight.

You should maintain a pH of 6.4 for urine and saliva in order to maintain maximum energy from the foods you eat. Any deviation from that reading, either higher or lower, can create a sharp energy loss, emotional patterns, and a depressed immune system.

Blood pH is different from the pH of water fluids within body tissues. Blood pH is ideally 7.3 as the bloodstream does not have, nor should have, the same body acids and waste by-products that course through the water conduits of the body. The perfect pH for a body of fresh water such as an aquarium or lake is 7.0.

When the body is too acidic as a result of acid forming foods, high fat, mucus forming foods, or toxic chemical food residues, disease and infections proliferate. This is especially true in cases of arthritis and rheumatic situations.

The human body should be slightly alkaline in order to build an alkaline reserve for acid-forming conditions such as stress, lack of exercise, or poor dietary habits.

If your body pH is either too acidic or too alkaline, you can adjust your pH to normal readings through the foods you eat at each meal. Here are some recommendations for foods that are alkaline and acidic.

Acid-forming examples:

Most dairy (Milk is neutral in acid/alkaline but high in mucus-forming attributes such as fat.)
Most grains and legumes (Millet and roasted buckwheat are slightly alkalizing. Soy and lima beans are extremely alkalizing.)
Refined sugars
Food chemicals

Alkaline-producing examples:

Cereal grasses

The body's acid/alkaline balance can be changed by simple practices such as:

* Mildly soaking acid-forming foods such as whole grains and legumes before cooking starts the alkalizing sprouting process.
* Thoroughly chewing complex carbohydrates such as grains, vegetables, and legumes in order to mix them with salvia, a fluid that begins the digestive process.
* Do not drink while eating, as this washes away the digestive process from beginning within the mouth.

The correct ratio of acid and alkaline forming foods is difficult to know since the balance is altered by chewing, food preparation, individual lifestyle, genetics, exercise, and individual mental outlook. However, those prone to infections, viruses, excess mucus problems, and other toxic acidic conditions generally need to increase their alkaline diet.

I have assembled a pH test kit that includes a plentiful roll of pH test strips in a handy plastic container, a chart to record your pH over a ten-day period, and my 75-25 Eating Plan to help with selecting the right pH balanced foods and the correct proportions of alkaline vs. acidic food choices. You can eat both acidic and alkaline foods at each meal, but keep the proportions as close as possible to the 75-25 percentages. A good rule-of-thumb is to eat 75 percent raw or steamed foods to 25 percent cooked foods at each meal. This secures your alkaline foods are in a higher percentage than the acidic foods, and the raw foods have not lost their nutrients and enzymes to cooking.

For example: It's okay to have a hamburger (if you eat meat, that is) but have it on a whole grain bun with lots of lettuce, tomatoes, and pickles. Then, forgo the French fries and have a salad, cole slaw, or red beans and rice as a side dish. There you go - a perfectly balanced 75-25 meal.

You can read more information about pH balancing and Dr. Hull's pH Balance Test Kit by visiting the link below:

Author's Bio: 

About Dr. Janet Starr Hull

Dr. Hull discovered the value of the hair analysis when curing herself from an 'incurable' disease. It was her 'roadmap' to wellness, and she uses her knowledge to help others discover the root of their health symptoms.

Dr. Hull's counseling expertise is based on her professional background. She counsels numerous celebrities, professional athletes and sports figures, lawyers, and other medical practitioners, doctors and dentists. She works internationally with clients, and continues her research and development into perfecting the detoxification of toxins within the human body.

Dr. Hull writes a monthly newsletter covering a wide range of important health topics including Government Safety Alerts, Q and A's, and more! To sign up for her free newsletter or to view past articles visit the link below: