Compare Models and Features
The very best first step you can take before purchasing an Elliptical machine is to compare available models and features. Ample unbiased and reliable information is available on most elliptical trainers allowing you to make an informed decision about which machine to purchase. Don’t rush or be pressured into buying a trainer until you have had a chance to compare models and features. The investment you will be making in a machine is substantial and you want to be happy with the trainer. Once you begin to compare models and features you will see a wide difference in trainer amenities. Below some of those amenities are noted.
Multiple Training programs
If progressive training is your goal in the long term then a trainer with multiple training programs is important. Not all machines have multiple programs and some have preset programs only while others have scalable programs. Those trainers with multiple training programs can have anywhere between 4 and 24 training programs. The number of training programs doesn’t seem to have any relation to trainer price but is merely a desirable feature for users.
Resistance Settings
Elliptical trainers vary as to the number of resistance settings as well. If controlling the resistance setting is important as your training progresses, machines that do feature resistance settings can range from 6 to 20 different setting options. Various machines and models had no resistance settings available as a feature at all.
Heart Rate Monitor Style
The type of heart rate monitor will vary from model to model of elliptical machine also. But models feature one or a combination of these types of monitors; standard wireless, dual grip, hand grip, pulse grip and chest strap. Each has its strengths and drawbacks and primarily is a personal preference of the user. Be certain you are comfortable with the type of heart monitor featured with the model you plan on purchasing.
Depending on where you’ll be training and the lighting in that room could influence which type of console display is preferred. Available options to select from include: LCD displays, Multi-color LCD, Blue Back-Lit LCD, Clear-view Back-lit, LED Dot-matrix, single and multiple windows. Test each one out beforehand and decide on which is the best one for you.
Extra Features
Various elliptical training machines will feature bonuses like adjustable foot pedals, bottle holder, cooling fan, adjustable foot plate, no slip pedals, oversized pedals, reverse resistance and wheels for easier movement of machine for storage. Now some of these extra features may or may not be important to the average trainer but some can give a level of convenience and comfort during training. These extras don’t seem to impact price differences either.
For some the weight of the machine may not make a huge difference. But if you have to move the machine into a storage room after each workout by yourself it may make a difference. The range of weights for elliptical training machines is 275 to 400 pounds. That is a significant difference and might be a factor in choosing a particular mode. Average weight for a machine is around 300 pounds.
Check out customer ratings
Owners are more then willing to share their experience with elliptical trainers. You can get a lot of valuable information from people who have already used certain model trainers before you purchase your own.
Read product reviews
Organizations make it their business to report on products and how they perform. If you access this information on specific models you will be more prepared to make a decision on which elliptical trainer is best suited for you and be satisfied with the purchase.
Manufacturer’s warranties on elliptical trainers will vary as much as the price and features available. Warranties cover four main areas of the machine: the frame, parts, electronics and labor. The areas covered will vary from warranty to warranty with different benefits across the board. The best is lifetime warranty on parts and 1 year on labor. The lowest is warranty is 90 days parts and labor. Be selective with the model you choose because if something unexpected does need repairing or replacing be certain the warranty will cover the necessary repair. Repairs on machines can be costly and if something out of the ordinary happens to your trainer you want the manufacturer to pay for it and not you.
There’s not a lot of rhythm or reason to pricing on elliptical machines across the board. A moderately priced machine, around $1300, will come with most of the best features available, including a 5 year warranty on parts, 1 year on labor. Upgrading or replacing your machine after 5 years can save you a few dollars now. The reverse resistance feature and the life time parts warranty separate the less expensive models from the more expensive ones which retail between $1500 and $1700. If you want the lifetime parts and reverse resistance feature you will pay about $400 more for your machine. Whatever you decide, take your time, shop around and educate yourself about the models and features you prefer before making a purchase.

Author's Bio: 

For many years I have been a business executive as well as an avid proponent of great health, fitness and overall quality management of the physical body. At fitnessequipmentguru, we have put together an excellent selections of fitness products, quizes, as well as information you will find interesting and help. Please come visit us