When the going gets tough the tough need to get resourceful and this is always the case where real estate investment is concerned. We are now undergoing a correction of the real estate market that is likely to last some time and have widespread ramifications and resourcefulness is one of the most prized skills possessed by the real estate investment professional.

Syndicating real estate deals is about the fastest way to make money in a downturn economy because it allows you to spread the risk, minimise your exposure and use other people’s money to make money. Here’s how it works. Essentially you become the focal point. The “dealmaker” for the syndicate of investors has put up some money in exchange for a slice of the profits. You have put up no money but you do use your connections, talents and expertise to make the deal happen so if you are to walk away the deal collapses.

This is exactly the way I try to operate when the market is tough. In a tough market good deals are hard to come by and this increases my natural negotiating advantage, as without me the deal is null. Those who approach me come to me with money that they are willing to give in order to help them make more money.

The question is how do you start working this way? As a seasoned professional I have several requests from interested investors who want me to head a syndicate and I usually put them on a waiting list until a suitable opportunity presents itself. The beginning however is always difficult.

You could start by asking friends or family members. You could approach colleagues or look for business angels ready to make a decision based on an appraisal of your skills. Talk to old school friends and check out the local business listings and see if there are potential business partners you could approach. You will need to use your real estate investor-honed negotiating skills and convince those you need to join you that they are right to trust you with their money and they will not regret making a move into real estate investment now.

Make sure that you do your due diligence throughout and that you leave nothing to chance. Minimise the chances of the deal going wrong anywhere and make sure that you work to maximise the returns by negotiating to bring the costs down. Your reputation as well as your income depends on this.

If you are serious about getting started in syndicate real estate investment and making a true success of it then this first hurdle is also the entrance test. Don’t fail.

Author's Bio: 

David Lindahl, also known as the "Apartment King" has been successfully investing in single-family homes and apartments for the last 14 years and currently owns over 7,000 units around the US. David regularly shares his secrets and experience on the same stage as Tony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki, and Donald Trump! For two FREE copies of his highly recognized newsletter Real Estate Insights, please go to davesoffer.com/ezine