Even though pregnancy is an exciting time, it can also be very stressful, especially if you worry about how you will pay all the bills. Having a baby can be very costly. Extra expenses of prenatal care and preparing for arrival of baby can sometimes feel “overwhelming.” You and your baby deserve to be healthy and have the best of consistent care possible. Stop worrying and fretting! There are financial aid and other programs available for women and babies in need.

The following organizations can help:

• State and local health departments: These departments can advise you of what health care programs are available in your area. They have resources for health insurance, medical care and can tell you exactly how to qualify for the help.
• Local hospital or social service agencies: Any of the social workers on staff will be able to tell you where to go for help. When you talk to the receptionist, ask for a social worker.
• Community clinics: In some areas of the United States there are clinics that provide free health care to women and their babies in need.
• Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Program: This is a government run program that is available in every state of the union. The program helps with food, nutritional counseling, and access to health services for women, infants and children. Contact your local government health department or welfare department for more information about this program and where to go to get help.
• Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP): Is a program that provides health insurance for children under age 18 in every state.
• Telephone book: Everyone with a land-line telephone system owns a telephone book. Look in the yellow pages.
• Internet: The internet provides a wonderful resource for anyone looking for information. If you are reading this article, you probably have access to and know how to use the internet. The internet provides information at the touch of your fingertips. I personally would feel lost in space without internet service. Simply type into any search box of a search engine the word “pregnancy” and you will find tons of resources.

Enjoy your exciting time being pregnant, delivering and bringing home the baby. Women in every state can get help to pay for medical care during their pregnancies that ensure you have a healthy baby. Every state usually has multiple programs to help pregnant women and their babies. Here is a toll free number you can call to find out more about the programs offered in your state:

1-800-311-BABY (1-800-311-2229)

The toll free number will connect you to the Health Department in your area code. For information in Spanish, call 1-800-504-7081, or if you already know the telephone number of your local health department, contact them for the information you seek regarding health care expense help for pregnancy.

Source: National Institutes of Health Online

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information in this article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All health concerns should be addressed by a qualified health care professional.

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Written by: Connie Limon Visit smalldogs2.com/PregnancyArticlesfor an extensive list of articles all about pregnancy. For a variety of FREE reprint articles rarely seen elsewhere visit www.camelotarticles.com