Writing articles is a great way to bring traffic to your website and generate sales. But you’ve got to do it on a consistent basis. Writing one article a week is not enough to benefit your website or your bottom line. To be successful writing articles, you’ve got to submit at least one each day. If you want to be really successful, you should submit three to five a day.

But how is it possible to write one or more articles each day. First of all, I start out with a basic format that I use for all of my articles. Using a simple format for every article I write keeps me focused on the process.

In the first paragraph I state the reason that I’m writing the article. I have several different openings that I use on a consistent basis. In most cases, I state that many people have asked questions on the subject, or I suggest that I have a solution that works better than others. By using the same basic opening for all of my articles, I am never at a loss on how to start an article.

In the next few paragraphs, I provide the meat of my article. I try to list five to ten separate points that I want to cover. I try to add two or three sentences regarding point. I try to add some sort of supporting fact to back up my statement, or I explain the point more thoroughly.

With each point I want to make, I start a new paragraph. Having a number of paragraphs in your article makes it more pleasing to the eye. An article that is pleasant looking will result in more people clicking links in my resource box. This, after all, is the reason I write articles.

I close the article by synopsizing the article. I also tell the reader how they will benefit by using the information contained above. By the time I reach this point, my article is usually between 350 and 500 words (I like to keep my articles at about that length).

If writing articles has not been successful for you, use the techniques described here to build traffic and generate income.

Do you want to learn more about how I make money? I have just completed my brand new guide on how to develop your own ebook and start your own affiliate program.

Author's Bio: 

Jo Mark
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