Today let’s talk about fear and the devastating effect it has on people. Fear is the great enemy of man. It paralyzes the mind and results in reactive thinking. Everyone experiences anxiety at some time in their life and that’s to be expected. The fear we speak of is gripping fear, the type of fear that devitalizes us mentally, emotionally and physically. This type of fear robs us of all rationality as it grips our inner being.

Gripping fears steal confidence
Gripping fears must be managed or gotten rid of while ordinary cautions that are necessary to intelligent living are maintained on a healthy level. For instance, a person standing on a street corner would naturally exercise the caution of not stepping into moving traffic. But if he/she had such a fear of traffic that he/she could not control an overwhelming urge to run from it, then he/she has a gripping fear of traffic. Sometimes the reasons why are clear and sometimes it takes deep therapy to overcome the fear.

In all cases of fear, there is overwhelming evidence of lack of faith. The Holy Scriptures tell us that we should not fear tomorrow because tomorrow will take care of itself. To fear the future is to have no faith in your ability to face its possibilities; for what is a new dawning but a presentation of new and exciting possibilities?

And turn tomorrow into terror
Tomorrow is only another today, as is today and was yesterday and as it shall be throughout all eternity. Your relationship with it is to take advantage of the opportunities afforded you. Opportunity will not come to a person who fears the very dawning of its creation. All opportunity is born in today’s actions which extended into tomorrows successes.

A disturbed mind has no rest, no peace, no vision where derangements become norms and norms become derangements. Confusion clutters the mind and the hours of the day become distasteful and trying. The present day is robbed of all peace and joy, and becomes a torture chamber sandwiched between yesterday and tomorrow. The mind becomes so disturbed restful sleep becomes impossible.

Escape and set yourself free
You must live without fear today or you will dread tomorrow, for each day will become as a prison with no chance of escape. Don’t make the mistake of carrying your fears like a smothering blanket that extinguishes the fires of passion. Those who live in the dread of tomorrow generally live in the gripping thoughts of what happened yesterday. You cannot look forward to or live in yesterday. Yesterday is past, a memory of experiences gone. All to often people who are confronted with a bad experience insist on reliving them over and over until they become the fears of tomorrow.

To build on tomorrow
Yesterday provides the building blocks for tomorrow and also provides an avenue of escaping the bounds of fear, by replacing it with hope and faith. It is through your past experiences that faith is strengthened to overcome the fears of tomorrow. Eliminating fear brings about a enlighten, buoyant hope of accomplishment and joyful expectation as well as the natural enthusiasm and zest of living. As passion replaces fear, success becomes common practice and the joy life is accomplished.

Turn yesterday into a deliverance
Yesterday is forever past, we cannot relive it no matter how much we regret a wrong decision or harmful word spoken. It is impossible to experience exactly the same events over again. Those experiences, good or bad have become the expatiations of tomorrow. Some bad decisions can be corrected while some good decisions become your strengths of character but all serve a purpose in learning and advancing.

And tomorrow into a Challenge
You must recognize and anticipate coming events. Hope and faith will give you the strength to face any challenges put before you while determination will carry you through to the end. Fight the good fight and put fear behind you. Forgive those who trespass against you and hold no hatred in your heart because hate can fester into doubt and fear. There is not a God of vengeance, no Devine power that will or wish harm toward anyone or restrict you if you fail to recognize its power over you. This great psychological myth must be expelled as the great crime of the ages.

For Truth sets the stage
The truth is, you are part of God’s creation and are His adopted offspring. Fear and intolerance has no place in your life. There is nothing in the Universe seeking to harm you, why do you fear? It really is man/woman against themselves, but we have come to interpret it as though it were God operating against us – as though it were the Creator seeking to destroy that which He has created.

And fear is dispelled
Fearful thoughts come and go but there is no deific power that is always testing us to see how much we can stand. We are a product of our own doing, that which we fear is our own alter ego. Since fear cannot come from any Devine being, it must come from within. Satan cannot harm you, his only authority is that which you allow. If God is with you, what is there to fear?

You must learn to forgive yourself, simply and directly and also to believe God eternally forgives. Finally come to a place where you know that the Divine is for you and not against you. Strive for a place where you know, without doubt that love is the great reality.

From he/she who believes
Break down your fears into simple doubts. Cast your doubts to the wind for it’s on the wind they shall fly away. Get rid of your fears through cultivating a strong faith, a faith founded on the though that God is in all and is all. Learn to see God in people, circumstances, trials, opportunities, and most of all yourself.

Build confidence in all you do and depth of character in you associations with others. Be pleasant and forgiving and listen when God whisper in your ear.

Happy trails

Author's Bio: 

Donald Yates, author, Former Director of Leadership and Development for First Baptist Church of Crossville, and Business Development coordinator for Imperial Research , is now retired but continues to engage life through self discovery.
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