5) Keep Telling Her How You Feel When She Needs Space

And as if the last example wasn't painful enough, most guys usually like to use this final "nail in the coffin" technique as well...

Here's the situation:

You've met a girl you really like. Maybe you've gone out with her a few times. Doesn't matter.

You do all the things you can think of to screw it up, and you finally succeed.

You prove to her that you just don't get it, and you don't know how to handle a woman like her.

So she says, "I need some space" or "I need some time to myself".

And what do most guys do?

Of course. They keep telling her how they feel.

And they do it in 100 annoying ways.

The thought that most guys have is, "If she only understood how I really felt about her, then she would love me".

It's painful just typing the words.

So there you have it.

Part of the magic formula for losing a girl fast. Interesting, isn't it?

But there's a much deeper message here.

The message is this:

If you don't understand the process of how to make women feel attraction for you, including the things to avoid doing, then you're not going to have success.

Not knowing the rules of a game makes it very difficult (or impossible) to win.

And, unfortunately, we guys have a huge disadvantage when it comes to women and dating...

We have emotional responses to situations that take over our "thinking", and makes us do all the wrong things.

We usually sabotage ourselves.

Well, the good news is that it does not have to be this way. There is a better way.

If you found this particular discussion interesting, then you're probably ready to learn the deeper secrets of how to be more successful with women and dating.

If you're ready to stop losing women faster than you can meet them, then it's probably time for you to step up and get yourself an education about how to attract women and keep them attracted.

Author's Bio: 

Double Your Dating - What Every Man Should Know About How To Be Successful With Women. David DeAngelo will show you the secrets that most men will never know about women. Improve your dating with David's dating tips and dating advice.