
Today I am going to talk about the truth. There are many forms of truth. Many forms of truth come to mind when the word of truth is spoken. What I have on my mind today is being truthful to myself. When I think if I am being true to my self, I ask these questions. Am I living in integrity? Am I doing what I love? Am I spending my days like I should? Am I taking action to get me closer to my goals? And, the one I consider the most important, am I getting out of life what I deserve? These are some serious questions that must be answered truthfully to live the life abundance and prosperity. It brings me to close with this subject, that success is a journey not a destination. By asking and answering these questions truthfully through our lifetime, we can attain true success.

Visit http://www.HaveTheLife.net to see me on my journey to true success.

Chris Alley

Author's Bio: 

I am married with two children, one daughter and one son. I live in sunny Florida, taking in as much fun as possible. I always thought that working hard and putting in my time would get me where I wanted to be. What it got me was into the Rat Race, where I was getting closer and closer to achieving someone else's goals. What working hard for someone else got me was about and 1 hour and a half to spend with my family each day since my job required leaving before my family woke up and coming home tired after a long day. I decided who I was being is not who I dreamt of being. So I made a choice! I am someone who believes in time freedom. I want to leave a legacy of family, love and tradition paired with fulfillment of lifestyle we all deserve. I believe in assisting others to improve their lives. I am someone who lives life with no regrets and lives life with integrity and values of my gut instincts. I believe in giving back to the community in the form of money or time. Above all, I am there for my loved ones when they need me to be.