Here is grace. Grace is freely raining down from Love, the Eternal Life-source. Grace is the juice, the bottom line, the all time and eternal foundational essence from the unsurpassable power of Love.

Grace is unmerited favor, undeserved, life-sustaining essence, which compassionately bestows the light of complete and utter forgiveness. Grace is a gift, without strings.

Grace offers a replacement option for all darkness, (ignorance of truth, self-rejection, hatred, lies about reality, blame, shame, guilt and self condemnation) which has perverted the way we love.

Grace restores the consciousness from the depths of isolated, self-realization individuation, and welcomes the soul into the next step of open-hearted, divine and unifying Oneness.

Grace is the transformative power of Unconditional Love.

There is no action so reprehensible that Forgiving Grace cannot, somehow, reach the sorrowful. Grace possesses the divine consciousness which can only be comprehended in the position of a humble-heart.

Grace is humanity’s passport to heaven, on this side or the other side.

Why would we live without Grace? Grace for me and Grace to pass on to others?
Perhaps we are tricked into competition. We obviously, sub-consciously, haven’t completely wanted equality and “All Good” for the self and everyone else.

We have been climbing the ladders that don’t really matter, and have lost our connection to the desire for perfection. Equality is sweet, when we are standing “side by side” in true “fellowship.”

Perhaps we may feel too guilty to receive it. That guilt is either inherited from our ancestors, or registered personal offenses. What can be done about this inherited or acquired “Guilt Account” is- turn it over to our Higher Power. Then, we can choose to be funnels for grace.

When we see someone’s behavior irritating us, it is the same form we are guilty of; (injustice, abuse, harming, selfishness, controlling, elitism, judging, hatred, jealousy or whatever) we can invite Unconditional Love to flow “forgiving grace” through our center. Grace washes my own heart clean and releases my judging of the other person, as I pray for them. The motion of my soul, forgiving someone else, releases the blocks of force fields, which sabotage the manifestation of good things in my own life.

It is the will of the Life-Source, that we all become released from the tricky lies that rob our joy, Well-being and perfect health. We have the capacity to live forever, it is our own guilt and unforgiving, which ages us, and finally shakes us down to the death vibration.

“Come into my heart, Unconditional Love, with your sweet, comforting grace. Please forgive me, renew me, transform me, and let me connect with the Life/Love- Source, deep within me, by your wonderful Grace.”

Author's Bio: 

Angel gives sessions over the phone. Inner Harmony Sessions assist people in: finding the root cause of afflictions in all dimensions, getting into alignment for miracles, receiving guidance for self-healing and dealing with entities. Inner Harmony Sessions may include Visualization Techniques, Declaration Building, Soul Retrieval, Soul Reading and using or teaching Transformation Tools and Spiritual Gifts.