Perhaps you are facing a health crisis right now. You've been told, or even simply suspect, that you have a serious illness. You've developed a chronic pain problem. Or something just doesn't seem quite "right."

Maybe instead it's a close friend or family member. Or possibly you've just dodged a health scare and are determined to place your best foot forward from this day on.

There is one simple thing you can and should do immediately. It will require just a bit of your attention. But that's no problem right now, is it? Something big has already got your attention.

Maximize your body's own natural healing energy.

Many people in our culture have come to expect that healing will come from taking medicine, or from the doctor. That's an incomplete view. While doctors and medicines both have their place, in my experience those chemical compounds rarely promote actual healing.

Yes, both magic pills and skilled physicians can absolutely help relieve symptoms. They can stop a crisis from getting bigger. They can buy you some time. They and can patch you up after an emergency or trauma. I'm sure I'm not the only one who admires and respects this aspect of Western medicine!

But when it comes to the underlying problem ... the thing that caused the crisis ... that little pill really doesn't do a whole lot of good. Real healing comes from the inside. From you! And from the healthy nutrition you receive.

Nutrition. Food -- right?

Yes, partly. But the single biggest mistake I observe among people seeking natural health benefits is the misperception that eating well is all there is to do. Big mistake!

Nutrition also comes from your mind and spirit. Imagine the person who exclusively eats organic food while all the while muttering to himself about what a loser he is. The energy a person drains away to that mental mistake is enough to cancel out anything positive he does. Put bluntly, it's like putting yourself on a poisoned IV drip!

In order to harness true natural healing power (the only real healing there is), it's imperative that your mind play the game with you! And that means one thing.


As a start, try this: begin to monitor your inside talk. Set a positive intention that everything you say on the "inside" is as kind and compassionate as the language you'd speak on the "outside." If it helps, imagine that your inside talk (every single word) is being taken to "heart" by a beloved child. It is. The heart it affects is yours.

Then... Sit back, smile, and watch what happens!

Author's Bio: 

Elizabeth Eckert coaxes, cajoles, and gently guides the creation of healing intent. She's the founder of and author of Word Cures: How to Keep Stupid Excuses From Sabotaging Your Health. Align your whole self for health ... starting today! Share "Arielle's" real-life success story and optimize your own natural healing energy.