A famous visionary said this about the future: "The surest way to forecast the future is to invent it." This was a perfect introduction to the Law of Attraction. Consider also this quote from a famous historical writer, on the same subject: "Your future is not the result of choosing from alternative roads offered in the here and now, but a place that is created--created first in the mind and will, created next in activity. The future should not be seen as as some random journey we will take, but something we are conceiving."

Invent Your Future

Both of these significant quotes give great belief to the Law of Attraction and also your personal responsibility to harness it's tremendous power towards your desired outcomes. Did you know that once you are aware of the Law of Attraction, and it's significance and growing control in your existence, then there is no need to wonder why things materialize or why they don't? You now must be totally committed and journey towards a future invented by, and for, yourself. This also diminishes the "why me?" self image that too many burden themselves with. No longer will you be able to lay the blame when things do no not turn out your way. You must concede, albeit internally, that you were not focused enough on the positive to receive it.

Keep It Positive

Your tomorrow is the manifestation of your thoughts and emotions today. This is worth noting when you begin to give any ground to negativity in your heart. Take account of your thoughts and emotions and keep only those that are beneficial to your desires. Do not give room to negativity. Solid gains must be made in this area once you consistently aim for it. Harmony can be attained, a reprocessing of your inner being, only allowing the positive to be energized. After implementing the techniques essential to keep a calm and clear thought methodology, your ultimate desires is as close as your imagination. Conceive, believe, receive and achieve. This must be your mantra!

Align Your Actions With Your Future

"Your current reality is the outcome of your previous thoughts and actions" To change your circumstances you need to change your thinking and subsequent actions. Align your actions with the future that is yours. Your destiny is in your hands, what that future will entail, is totally up to you. Be resolute in your desires and minimize all the small concerns of your daily life, seeking to only process those thoughts and actions that will shape your future. The greater clarity in your thoughts, the more internal power you will be able to summon to create your perfect future, as you planned it. This ensures your direction will be straight, bright, and filled with total joy.

Author's Bio: 

Graham Bowall (better known as Sledge) is a serial entrepreneur who attributes he owes his success to using the law of attraction in his life. If you liked this article and want more sound applications of the law of attraction then visit his blog at:
