There’s no doubt about it: Governor Sarah Palin, running mate for John McCain, has strong values for what’s right and wrong. She stands up against what’s wrong and won’t back down. Her history proves that she has had this winning spirit for quite a while. She’s tough and in a lot of ways she’s inspiring many young women everywhere.

But how did Gov. Sarah Palin get that tough? Was it the circumstances associated with growing up in the harsh environmental conditions of Alaska? Was it choices she made based on ethics and values taught by parents? Certainly these contributed but there’s another component of that winning attitude that you may not have considered before: her diet.

Gov. Sarah Palin is a hunter and a fisherman who loves eating moose burgers. It’s what’s in her diet that helps give her some of that tough decision-making capability. Her diet gives her a winning advantage.

The Success of the Hunter/Fisherman Diet Depends on Fat

Gov. Sarah Palin’s diet and the diets of hunters and fishermen are loaded with a nutrient called omega-3 fats that help the brain work at its highest capacity.

Health experts and nutritionists report that most Americans eat diets low in omega-3 fats because of the meat they presently eat. Moose eat foliage naturally high in omega-3 fats; that’s why their meat is a rich source of these fats. Cattle are generally fed grain high in omega-6 fats, not omega-3 fats. When cattle are allowed to graze freely on the range, their meat is rich in omega-3 fats. However, if they are grain-fed right before slaughter, the level of omega-3 fats drops drastically, in favor of omega-6 fats that are more likely to produce inflammation in the body as well as imbalance the normal omega-3 to omega-6 fat ratio.

Without omega-3 fats in the diet, there’s a tendency to develop dyslexia, depression, irritability, dry skin and dry eyes, memory problems, lowered immunity, poor wound healing, fatigue, attention deficit disorders, and learning problems.

In one rat study, the learning capacity of rats was studied for an entire month. The rats were raised on a diet that was either deficient in omega-3 fats or nutritionally sound. At the end of the study, rats fed the diet with enough omega-3 fats had significantly more synaptic vesicles in their nerve endings and performed much better on their learning tests.

Prove It To Yourself

By engaging in a little mini nutritional experiment, people often prove to themselves that their brain can benefit directly by omega-3 fats.

Here’s that experiment: First of all, you'll need to get a source of 'heritage meats'. These are foods that raise animals and fowl such as turkeys, beef, bison, pigs, and even fish that is completely different from the method used to bring us commercially grown protein sources. Heritage meat is similar to what meat was like in the days of the Pilgrims. These same protein sources are also similar to what you would eat if you were out in the wild eating off the land, similar to what a hunter and fisherman would eat. Wild game eat what they were naturally programmed to eat; their flesh reflects a high level of omega-3 fats, the fats that the brain needs to survive. More importantly, those omega-3 fats are what your brain needs to not just thrive but to operate on a high level.

Your mini nutritional experiment is to eat the heritage meats two meals a day for a week; that’s all. Replace the meat that you regularly eat with heritage meat and continue to eat vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, fats, dairy and desserts as you usually do. During the week, record what happens each day: how easy it was to make decisions, if you acted differently without trying, your moods, and how attentive you were to what was happening around you. Also note your memory ability, how you react to things that are normally irritating, and how many new ideas you had. You could even do this little experiment for Thanksgiving and see what happens to the brain functioning of your entire family. Note: the taste of these heritage meats is incredible, which is why fine restaurants offer them on their menus.

You could do the same mini-experiment by simply adding EPA/DHA capsules to your present diet, but your results will be faster with the meats that are naturally rich in the omega 3 fats, EPA and DHA. Add two 1000 mg EPA/DHA capsules twice daily to your meals and keep the same records as mentioned above. Do this for two weeks instead of one.

People are often amazed at the results, no matter which experiment they try.

Missing Nutrients Need to Be Replaced

The reason that people experience changes in mental functioning is simply because of the higher level of omega-3 fats, the important fats that the brain needs to operate at high capacity. Whenever we’re missing a nutrient, the replacement of that nutrient results in an improvement in health.

Imagine what your results would be if you ate the same moose burgers, fish and wild game that Governor Sarah Palin ate every day! Now imagine what would happen if all of Congress changed their diet habits! Then imagine what would happen if school lunch programs served tasty moose burgers as a healthy snack every day. The possibilities are endless; the brain capacity of America could reach astounding levels! Think about it while you're eating a meal that contains these wonderful-tasting meats.

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Donna Schwontkowski's greatest mission in life is helping people overcome their illnesses. Since she was 14 years old, she began learning everything she could to turn people's health around. With 28+ years experience in the alternative healing field, Dr. Donna has used her five degrees to heal thousands of people through nutrition, herbs, and chiropractic medicine. Sign up for her newsletter and special reports at