Many people take the time to discuss how certain tactics aren’t working for them. Or how a strategy might not be working and they don’t have the money to invest in other tactics. Is this a viable complaint?
How about this one:
A woman was going to get some input on those yellow letters to pre-foreclosures. She sent about two thousand yellow letters to pre-foreclosures. Her response rate was 2.5 percent. Her thinking was, if she could get at least a 30% response rate, she could multiply her deeds by one hundred.
You get 30 percent response of people calling you and you'll probably look and find that about 10 percent of those have houses for sell. But to the lady that is sending the yellow letters to pre-foreclosures (you have to do an awful lot of them) plus try to call them that you can get the phone number on. Realistically, that's a smart thing to do. In fact, the smartest thing to do is go knocking on their doors if you got the grit. Not many people do. But, it works great. That's how the people that make the most money in foreclosures do it. They literally knock on the door.
So in other words when someone says they don't have any money to spend on marketing, it is not going to hold water. And it shouldn’t.
Face it- it doesn't take any money to pick up the classifieds every day and call the people who have a house for sell. It doesn't take any money to go get realtors to find properties that are listed in the MLS that are junkers and go buy those. It doesn’t take any money to ride around neighborhoods and look for people or to get on public records and pick up the phone and call them.
Just get out and do it.
When it comes to real estate investing, I highly recommend information from Ron LeGrand . For vauable information regarding investing in homes visit You can also find useful investor resources in the free newsletter at
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