Thinking about getting porcelain veneers ....improving your already nice smile and good looks? Veneers are so designed as to change the shape, color and dimensions of your teeth, or maybe just one defective tooth.

What porcelain veneers consist of basically is a thin shell of porcelain placed on the front and side surfaces of a tooth. With the use of these shells, the cosmetic dentist can repair a chipped tooth, crooked teeth, badly stained discolored teeth and other dental abnormalities.

Besides being extremely durable and stain resistant, restoring your teeth with the use of porcelain veneers can have significant impact on your looks. It can turn a so-so smile into a fantastic one.

Usually the cosmetic dentist covers only the teeth, with veneers that are essential to a natural looking smile. The procedure itself is not painful. However, your gums may be tender for a few days.

The cost of porcelain veneers can be quite high. Prices can run from a little less than a thousand dollars per tooth to the twenty-five hundred dollar level.

Most dental insurance companies do not cover porcelain veneers because it is considered cosmetic dentistry. On the other hand, a quality discount dental plan would. Basically, discount dental plans work like Costco or Sam's Club, where you buy a membership and, as a result are entitled to receive certain discounts.

In order to get you to the gorgeous smile category, it may be necessary to cover all your front twenty-two teeth with veneers. As an example, let's assume that the veneers can be installed at $1000.00 per tooth. Twenty-two times one thousand equals $22,000.00. Of course, this is a radical example. You may need only one or two teeth covered with veneers to get to the perfect smile.

Usually, a quality discount dental plan will discount certain dental procedures anywhere from 10 to sixty percent through a participating dentist. If you could save only ten percent on getting porcelain veneers through a participating cosmetic dentist it would be significant. If you could save 30%, it would even be more significant. Please keep in mind that a discount dental plan is not dental insurance.

Author's Bio: 

Thom Richards is the author of many dental oriented blogs and lenses. You can get more detailed information at: