Fungus infections are caused by insufficient airflow and moisture. Fungus infections are not contagious and do not spread easily, the main cause for the nail fungus is a weaker immune system. Although most fungus infections are mild, there are also reported many deaths caused by mycoses. Fungus infections are named for the part of the body they infect.

Fungus infections, whether in plants or people, are dependent on a certain level of pH to survive. Fungus infections of the skin, like those affecting any other part, are discomforting and rather annoying. Almost all fungus infections develop over period of time, and thus it might be a long time before you seek medical help. Sometimes these infections are misdiagnosed as a yeast intolerance and treated with expensive prescriptions when a dab of cider vinegar would do the trick. Fingernails and toenails are the common breed of fungal infections.

Just as some people never catch colds or the flu, there is a segment of the population that is naturally immune from fungus infections which attach the nails. If you believe that you have nail fungus, I recommend treating it right away to prevent the infection to spread to the surrounding nails. The fungus will appear as a yellow blemish which gradually spreads until it infects the whole nail and further spreads to your neighboring toenails and fingernails. Nails which become infected with a fungus also may become extremely brittle, turn yellow and cause pain. Eventually, it will become crumbly and will result to the loss of your nails.

In terms of a skin disorder, when these fungi spores land on our skin, they cause a fungus infection. Avoid or minimize skin-to-skin contact with people who have skin fungus infection. This is one the major reasons for fungus infection of the skin. When skin is punctured by tools it is essential that proper treatment with fungicides is immediately undertaken to prevent infection. Other reasons may be abnormal pH level of the skin, not drying off the feet thoroughly after bathing or exercise, and decreased immunity. Using safe cosmetics, chemical free shampoos and other natural skin products will not only make you look better, you’ll feel better as well.

Another common attribute of nail fungus is its resistance to treatment, even with the modern prescription drugs and non-prescription treatments. If you have problems with toe nail fungus, you've probably been going out of your mind trying to find treatments that actually work. Many patients spend months trying treatments like vinegar, bleach, rubbing alcohol and even Listerine. There are many fungus treatments available that contain one or two of the key necessary ingredients needed to successfully eliminate nail fungus. Antibiotics are ineffective against fungus, but can be used in conjunction with most other treatments if a primary or secondary bacterial infection is present.

Author's Bio: 

Unhealthy nails can be embarrassing, especially during warmer weather when bare feet and open-toed shoes arethe norm. Zetaclear is an all natural product specifically developed to treat the underlying cause of unsightly nails. Find out more about Nails Infected By Fungi

Paul Rodgers specializes in marketing natural health and beauty products