Free web hosting abounds on the web, with literally hundreds of services vying for our attention. The question is: Should you partake as a small business owner? Well, there are several things to consider if you are considering a free web hosting site. The following list is just some of them:

Most free web hosting services make money by placing banners or other ads on YOUR site, which can draw potential customers from you.

Many free web hosting sites, limit their features (such as bandwidth) in hopes of selling you their upgrade web hosting packages. If you anticipate your site growing, a free web hosting deal does not seem to make sense because you will have eventually outgrow its limited features and have to move anyway, which could be a real hassle. Better to just start with an affordable shared web hosting package.

Some free web hosting providers provide only sub-domains instead of your own domain. For example: instead of just You can imagine the negative impact this would have on your business.

Overall, these are just some of the reasons why you may wish to consider paying for an inexpensive but reliable web host that will not limit or detract from your online business. One last word regarding free web hosting. There are definitely some instances where a person may benefit from free web hosting. One such circumstance may be when a person is new to the idea of web site building and design, and wants to simply get their feet wet. In this sense, a free web hosting site may be just the thing to help them with the learning curve of putting a web site on the web.

Author's Bio: 

David Butler, the author of this article, is a Christian businessman, and has a several web sites, Christian Dating Service PLUS! and Affordable Web Hosting 4U