I recently read a statistic that two-thirds of the working population is unhappy in their job. Can you believe that? That is an ASTOUNDING number! Just think about how much time we spend at work and how that affects the rest of our life! Is this just something we need to accept as reality or is there something we can do about it? Many people just accept it. But for those willing to make a change, you can find your ideal job and create a life that you love!

I spent many years as an accountant and will admit that I was one of the two-thirds that hated my job. But I stuck it out for several years thinking that it would get better after whatever project was over, after the beginning of the year, when someone was hired, or whatever other excuse I could come up with. Then it came time to really face it – I wasn’t happy with my career and needed a change. So that’s just what I did. And here’s how you can too:

1. Create a picture of your dream job. If you could do anything in the world, what would it be? If money were no object, what work would you do and why? Be very specific when creating your picture. Include details like what you would be doing in that job, what your coworkers are like, what your office looks like, how the company treats you, or how your life would change. The more specific you are the better.
2. Acknowledge your true feelings about your current job or career. Do you love the work you are doing? Is it challenging? Is it personally fulfilling? What is it that is making you unhappy? Make a list of everything you like and don’t like about this job or career.
3. Assess your skills, strengths, and weaknesses. Honestly evaluate what you are good at and enjoy doing. Focusing on your skills and strengths can help you determine your direction. Get an outside opinion on your skills and strengths by asking people that you can trust and that have been exposed to your work. Often, people see us differently than we see ourselves. For an unbiased opinion, try a career or skill assessment test. There are many of these tests available online for a nominal fee. Many life and career coaches offer assessments and can help you evaluate the results.
4. Take action! If your current job does not match your dream job, see if there is anything you can do to bring them closer together. That may mean finding a different job that more closely resembles your ideal job. If you have found that you are in the wrong career altogether, determine what steps you need to take to get into the new career. Do you need additional training? Can you use your professional or personal contacts to help you transition into a new career? How can you move yourself toward this new career? Take action on it and make it happen!

Most of us need to work for a living. But that doesn’t mean we need to suffer while doing so. It is possible to have a challenging, rewarding, and fulfilling career that you absolutely love. Can you imagine waking up each day excited about going to work? You are the one that can make it happen!

Author's Bio: 

April Mims is a life and career coach specializing in work/life balance issues and life and career transitions. Her coaching practice is Nexus Coaching Partners. She is passionate about empowering clients to balance the demands of a successful career and a strong family life. April invites you to a complimentary 30-minute coaching session to see if coaching could benefit you. To learn more or subscribe to The Nexus Connection newsletter, visit www.nexuscoachingpartners.com.