Kathleen Casey-Kirschling, 62, was born one second after midnight on Jan. 1, 1946 and has the notariety of being the first baby boomer born. We are the largest, richest, healthiest, most educated generation in the history of the world. We have many rich opportunities to connect with our family and friends, cultivate new memories and celebrate the opportunities that are available to us in or dotage.

How do we put meaning and purpose around retirement. What kinds of rituals can we create that will help us make this transition from working more than forty years to having leisure time and the resources to enjoy it. Or, perhaps you are one of the ones that might be retiring from one job but launching the business of your dreams with your retirement money. What experience can you create to help launch this new endeavor.

Perhaps extensive travel is on your agenda. You might be downsizing your home having to part with years of treasures or just stuff. How can you make this easy and celebratory? What about your children and grandchildren? Are you helping them? Are they living with you? How do you lovingly and gently tell them they are finally on their own so you can be on your own. What ritual would help them separate from you and be on their way?

Putting intention around any of these transitions will not only help you make the transition smoothly, it will help you connect to the relationships in your life in a very supportive way. The memories of your life will surround you and cushion you as you move forward into cultivating new memories. And, the celebration of your life up to this point will inspire to you continue celebrating.

If you have experienced any of these profound transitions and have created ways to make them special and memorable, we would like to hear from you.

Linda Ann Smith
Author Power of Rituals for Women

Author's Bio: 

Author Power of Rituals for Women
Coming soon: Author of Power of Rituals for Baby Boomers