What is a Lo Pan? The Lo Pan is the Chinese name for a Feng Shui compass.

How old is Feng Shui? Nobody knows for sure. Archaeological evidence suggests that Feng Shui may be over 6000 yrs old. This is based on a 6000 year old gravesite unearthed in the Henan Province that contains some sort ...What is a Lo Pan? The Lo Pan is the Chinese name for a Feng Shui compass.
How old is Feng Shui? Nobody knows for sure. Archaeological evidence suggests that Feng Shui may be over 6000 yrs old. This is based on a 6000 year old gravesite unearthed in the Henan Province that contains some sort of evidence of Feng Shui astrology practice.

What is the Form School? This school became very popular during the Tang Dynasty (618 – 906 AD). It places importance on the form of the surrounding such as mountains and water bodies such as rivers and lakes.

What is Feng Shui? It is Wind Water in Chinese. It studies the effect of the surroundings on the occupants.

What is Xing Fa? Xing is form while Fa is technique. It is the Chinese name for the Form School of Feng Shui. This school is quite old and is believe to be practiced as far back as 200 AD.

What is Li Qi? Li is methodology while ‘qi’ is ‘qi’. It is known in the west as the compass school of Feng Shui and is based on the concept that different ‘qi’ comes from the eight direction. At lot of emphasis is placed on analyzing the time and space of these ‘qi’.

What is Yang Feng Shui? Yang Feng Shui is the Feng Shui of the living and focus is on dwellings.

What is Yin Feng Shui? It is the Feng Shui of the dead and focus is on burial sites.

What is Xuan Kong Fei Xing? Xuan is time while Kong is space. It is a major branch of the compass school and there are many sub schools with Xuan Kong Fei Xing (or Flying Star) being one of them. The other popular sub school is Xuan Kong Da Gua (or the Hexagram).

What is Heaven Qi? It refers to energy coming from out of space due to inter-planetary forces. It is also known as cosmic energy.

What is Earth Qi? It refers to energy that exist on earth such as those generated by gravity. More importantly it refers to the unseen and unquantifiable ‘qi’ called Dragon Breath that is the core of Feng Shui practices.

What are the Heavenly Stems? Chinese timekeeping is based on the Heavenly Stems and Earth Branches. Every year, month, day and hour can be represented by a stem and branch. The Stem (and the branch) denotes the type of cosmic (and earthly) energy present at the time.

What are the Earthly Branches? They are 12 earthly branches and together with 10 heavenly stems they are use to represent year, month, day and time. The Branch (and the Stem) denotes the type of earthly (and cosmic) energy present at the time.

What is Sheng Qi? Sheng Qi is living qi and is highly favorable to our well being.

What is Sha Qi? Sha Qi is Killing Qi and is unfavorable to our well being.

What is the Yin and Yang? Yin and Yang are two primary forces of nature. Yin is the direct opposite of Yang. Both are needed and neither is superior or more important to the other. For example Yin is soft and passive while Yang is hard and active.

What is the Tai Ji? The Tai Ji is a pictograph of the Yin and Yang energy. Yin is also represented by a broken line while Yang is represented by a solid line.

Give examples of Yin and Yang. North is Yin while South is Yang. Cold is Yin while hot is Yang. Still, depressed and round is Yin while motion, aggressive and angular is Yang.

How does Yin and Yang apply to the four seasons? Winter is Yin while summer is Yang. Yang energy increases from winter to summer while Yin energy increase from summer to winter.

Can plants be classified into Yin and Yang? Yes. Small plants are Yin while larger trees are Yang. Those with larger rounded leaves are Yin while those with shape narrow leaves are Yang.

What is the difference between Yin and Yang water? Yin water is still (like water in a vase) while Yang water is active and flowing e.g. river.

What is Yin and Yang Wood? Small plants are Yin Wood. So are static wooden items like a chair. Large trees are Yang Wood.

What are Yin and Yang colors? Solid color tone is Yang while pastel color tone is Yin.

Can the body be divided into Yin and Yang? Yes. Front is Yin while Back is Yang. Below the waist is Yin while above is Yang. The interior organs e.g. the heart is Yin while the exterior organs e.g. the skin is Yang.

How do you classify objects into Yin and Yang? Small rounded object are Yin while large angular objects are Yang. Objects with dull or pastel color tone and cold to the touch are Yang. Objects with bright or solid color tones that are warm to the touch are Yang.

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