The amount of information we learn on a daily basis is amazing. When you think about it, most things we touch, see, or hear create new thoughts. We retain thousands of bits of information on a conscious or sub-conscious level. Take color for example. Our sub-conscious sees all of the colors, but when a color pops out at us, for example a traffic light, our conscious mind takes over and identifies the appropriate action needed.
We learn in three basic ways: visually, auditory and kinesthetically or the “hands on” approach. This is instinctive in humans, but how often do you think about the methods you use to study. Each learning style can be combined to create a lasting learning experience. For example, we have been taught in school that during lectures or reading a text book, we are supposed to take notes. This process uses visual and kinesthetic process to help us retain the information presented.
Most of the information we take in through vision is sub-conscious. It would be impossible to consciously think about everything we see. We also learn many things through conscious focused vision such as watching DVDs, reading books and watching the surrounding environment. Unless you have a photographic memory, retaining information through visual learning is a challenge without the aid of repetition.
Learning through listening is a much more conscious learning style. If you’re in a seminar, lecture, classroom or listening to a course of study on CD, you are actively listening. If you’re not actively listening your sub-conscious will only retain a small portion of the information that is presented.
The “hands on” or kinesthetic learning process is a conscious behavior. Some things can only be learned by doing. For example, you can read a book on wood carving, but until you actually try and carve a piece of wood, you never really know how to actually create a carving. There are other subtle ways that we use the “hands on” learning process that we don’t even think about. For example, taking notes, creating a grocery list or tracking monthly bills is a helpful exercise for many people to stay on top of day-to-day needs.
Individually, these learning processes can be successful, but if you combine the three learning styles, you can improve memory retention. That translates into more time. Recently a new self help program became very popular with the help of good press and more then one appearance on Oprah. It is marketed in three versions. You can buy the book, the book narrated on CD’s or a DVD with interesting visual aids. The visual learning type of person should watch the DVD. If listening is the best way for you to learn then the CD’s are your best choice. A book may seem to be a visual exercise but the larger part of this learning style is a physical activity.
Reading a book is much different than seeing a movie of the same book. I have learned how to combine each learning style to retain information on any subject presented in any format. Becoming aware of the three core learning styles is only the beginning. Focusing on each process and how you can use them together is a powerful exercise. That is what The Learning Course can do for you. Not only will it show you how you use these different learning styles, it also shows you how you can use these learning styles together in a way that is as unique as your individuality.
I personally love to learn new things. Throughout my adult life, I have studied a variety of subjects, some for several months at a time. I have read books, listened to CDs, watched videos and attended training courses. All were valuable tools on my quest for knowledge. Unfortunately, I didn’t retain nearly as much information as I potentially could have.
A few months ago I did a very intense self-improvement study. I have listened to this program all the way through a hand full of times. Each time I was able to retain a small percentage of the information and made positive changes in my life. These changes would last for awhile, but I realized I was not retaining a majority of the information that program was presenting.
I decided I needed a different approach to learning. I challenged myself to use the three core learning styles in a focused intentional manor. I went from temporarily retaining a fair amount of information on a conscious level to understanding and living what I learned on a sub-conscious level.
I have now internalized this information and follow the teachings of positive living without having to think before I act. Living life from a positive mind set on a sub-conscious level is a great gift. Learning and retaining information is one of the keys that unlocks the doors to greater opportunities.
Geoff Young is the author of The Learning Course, a uniquely simple program for receiving, processing, and retaining information. Geoff is a champion of learning. The first question he always asks is, “what can I learn…”? He believes that we are all students of and teachers to each other. To learn more, visit or visit his blog at
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