Most sports people would agree that success starts in the mind, and this is where Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) does its work.

EFT is a recently created performance and success tool that is gaining fast credibility amongst athletes. This is because they can gain tangible measurable and lasting evidence of safe and natural change.

In short, EFT consists of stimulating acupressure points on the head and torso by tapping on them whilst using creative wordplay to engage the mind. The resultant change often leads to:

- a lessening of physical pain and swift recovery from injury;
- safe distancing from previous performance hang ups;
- enhancing confidence; and
- breaking through comfort zones.

Here's an example of EFT at work with a triathlete. Paul is a keen cyclist and also competes in triathlons but had problems with his knees. Any improvements, large or small would all help him improve his game. Both knees that we worked on had a different story to tell.

Paul’s problems with his knees date back more than 20 years. The constant soreness in his left knee could be traced back to when he was 21 playing football (soccer). He ran past a player who tried to tackle him and the knee just collapsed inwards on itself. The injured left knee was bruised and very painful. Ever since that event his left knee felt constantly rough and stiff. Over the 20 years since the soccer incident no physiotherapist or chiropractor could eliminate the pain. When we started tapping, the pain at its worst was a 4 on a 0-10 scale.

We used word play and tapping to eliminate the discomfort Paul felt:

Even though it feels like I’ve got a spongy “doughnut” behind my left knee, I accept myself.

Even though I hurt it so badly whilst playing football when I was 21 . . .

Even though I thought it wasn’t a problem at the time . . .

Even though my knee was black and blue from the tackle, and it still remembers that bruising experience to this day . . .

Paul reported feeling odd sensations in his left knee, as if something was moving around inside. I asked him to tell me more about what happened when he was 21. It was an away match and he was sharing a hotel room with other team members. After the match he was in a huge amount of constant pain. Later that evening he couldn’t fall asleep. He remembered hearing the easy sleep of his team members and feeling frustrated and panic-stricken.

Even though it feels like I’ve got John Hurt's alien in my knee . . . (humour’s great for bringing about mind/body changes)

Even though I was in excruciating pain, and they didn’t care . . .

Even though I couldn’t think of anything but my poor knee and what would happen to it . . .

Even though I was angry that my team mates were enjoying an easy sleep and not suffering like I was . . .

Even though I was deeply worried about what would happen to my knee in the future . . .

Astonished, he said that there was no tension left in his knee. It felt fine when walking in my treatment room. A week later he reported there had been a tremendous improvement in the knee, and the pain was virtually at a zero. He was happy with it.

We then tackled the right knee. Paul was diagnosed 4 years before with a shorter right leg than left. Given the amount of sports he had done over the years, this had an impact on his hips and spine. His joints had to compensate for the defect and were stretched beyond the normal 20% range they could cope with.

He had bespoke insoles for his shoes made 4 years ago and since then his body was properly aligned. However, his right knee hadn’t improved and on a 0-10 scale he’d get a 2 level pain if he pushed it. He felt discomfort particularly when running down hill and had to shift his weight on to the balls of his feet to maintain balance.

I had a flash of intuition, and I asked him to let me know as we tapped whether my wording were landing right. We tapped on the following:

Even though my right knee hasn’t caught up with the mechanical changes I’ve made to supporting it and my body . . .

Even though my right knee is worried that things will go bad again and it has to hold out just in case . . .

Even though my right knee is scared of losing control and that I’ll tumble down because I’m not balanced . . .

Even though I need to be in control to avoid harming myself, I instead choose to feel I’m always in balance.

Paul nodded with understanding as each sentence was delivered – he could see where I was going and it felt right. I checked in with him between each round and at the end Paul noted he’d felt a shift in his knee. In particular, he appreciated the subtle change we were introducing in replacing ‘control’ with ‘balance’. He realised his performance could be effortless. During the session he tested his knee by walking down stairs, and noticed a definite improvement.

18 months after our work on both knees the work has held and he has no problems that stop him from running. Side benefits were an improvement in motivation to train and greater enjoyment of his sport.

Author's Bio: 

Sejual is a successful EFT practitioner who specialised in sports and business performance progress. She works in person, over the phone and webcam with clients from all over the world. She practised as a corporate lawyer for 5 years in London and Brussels before her passion for EFT led her to a career change. She loves seeing the dramatic results her clients get, especially when it comes to naturally achieving their goals with stellar results. Her website is