Being able to write and sell your eBook online has revolutionized the publishing industry. Instead of waiting one to two years to write and publish your work, you can now have an eBook written and ready to sell on the internet in a matter of a few short weeks, or even less, in some cases. However, many writers make the same mistakes over and over, resulting in their eBook not selling like they had hoped that it would. Here are three mistakes people make when writing an eBook or other information product.
• Not doing the research ahead of time to find out how many people are looking for information of your niche topic. It does not matter if you think your idea will make a good eBook or not. What matters is that thousands of other people are searching regularly for your topic. Use Wordtracker or one of the other free keyword search tools to see how many people are looking for the words that describe what you have written about.
• Trying to sell an eBook that tells people what they need instead of what they want. People do not want to be told to eat their vegetables and to discipline their children. Instead, write about which foods will help them to lose weight and how to effectively communicate with their children. Just change needs to wants and more people will be interested in your information. You can find out what people want by simply asking them.
• Writing an eBook that does not solve a problem. When people are searching online, many times they have a problem they want to solve immediately. That is part of the magic of selling your information on the internet; someone can search for an answer to their problem, find your eBook, and purchase it right away. This can be done even if you are fast asleep halfway around the world.
By avoiding these 3 mistakes, you will have a greater chance of success when selling your eBook or other information product on the internet.
Connie Ragen Green teaches how to write articles, eBooks, and other online writing, as well as the technology needed to build an online business.
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