There is more and more evidence that cold pressed dark chocolate is a good healthy chocolate. Now we know that chocolate has gotten a bad rap ever since the Europeans took the bitter drink, added milk and sugar to suit the European taste to make what is now know as Dutch Chocolate or milk chocolate. The process used to make the European type chocolate destroyed much of good parts of the Cocoa bean and added some things, (sugar, etc) that we now know do harm.
According to the Sound Concepts pamphlet, “Healthy Chocolate and Weight Control” available at, there are twelve ways that cocoa promotes weight loss.
Cocoa optimizes nutrition by supply the body with sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals.
Cocoa and dark chocolate help stabilize blood sugar levels.
Cocoa helps block the brains appetite center thus normalizing our appetite.
Cocoa lessens depression which is often associated with decreased appetite and weight loss.
Cocoa produces an effect on ones body that makes one feel good.
Cocoa is excellent source of fiber.
Cocoa increases the body’s endorphin levels, which naturally decreases the need to eat high sugar, high fat foods.
Cocoa helps promote a balanced mood.
Cocoa helps relieve low grade inflammation. Chronic inflammation is associated with low leptin levels, which increases appetite.
Cocoa delivers theobromine which may produce a mild, pleasant stimulatory effect.
Eating cold processed cocoa which provide high levels of cocoa’s flavanols will reduce the desire to eat bad fat and bad sugar.
Cocoa’s accumulative effects appear to give added energy which can improve ones ability to exercise.
There is a great deal of evidence that Xocai chocolate, with it’s patented cold press process, and it’s combination of the cocoa bean, the acai berry and the blueberry, will not only help one lose weight, but may also help lower one’s blood pressure and help reduce inflammation. For more information see
In March of 2002, after a long and interesting career, I was laid off and given early retirement. The company I was working for at the time built communication and weather satellites, after what happened on September 11, 2001 the market for satellites world wide dried up. No one wanted to buy a satellite.
Fortunately, due to my friends, contacts and my unique abilities, I obtained another job in just a few weeks. Unfortunately, three weeks after going back to work the test results from some tests made in February were returned to my doctor. He called and told me the news. I had cancer.
Six months later, after apparently going through the cancer treatment successfully, I was sitting in my living room wondering what to do with the rest of my life.
My first thought was how many companies would be willing to hire a 65 year old cancer survivor. The answer, at least in my opinion, was not very many. I also knew I did not have the ability to be a painter like Grandma Moses, but I knew I could write. How well I could write was another question. The next question was what to write about? The answer was right in front of me; I should write about my cancer experience.
The first book I wrote was an e-book, “So I Have Cancer”, available from
My second book “Cottage Cheese and Cancer; and Other Things Your Doctor Does Not Tell You”, (ISBN 1-4137-7736-8), was published approximately two years after my e-book, contains much of the information that is in my first book but is about 50 percent larger and includes the additional information I learned over the years. This book is available at and all fine book stores.
My third book, due to be published summer of 2008 is titled “The Uninformed Liberal; but Then I Repeat Myself”, will be available on This book was written after a conversation with some of my liberal friends who were trying to get me to change my position but were trying to do it with their heart and not their head. I hope it will be a good read for both liberal and conservative.
But if one wants to really keep their mind working, write a historical novel. The amount of research required is amazing. I am 50,000 words into the historical novel, which will be my fourth book, (unless I decide to take some time to write a political satire, or an update on my health) and feel I have barely scratched the surface. The book should be near 500,000 words when complete.
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