If you speak to employers about their staff’s performance and productivity, you will typically hear moans about low skills, ineffective training, lack of ownership, no responsibility or performance, and all the pressures around skills development legislation etc.

 If we dig a little deeper into ...If you speak to employers about their staff’s performance and productivity, you will typically hear moans about low skills, ineffective training, lack of ownership, no responsibility or performance, and all the pressures around skills development legislation etc.

 If we dig a little deeper into the real challenge that presents its self to us - that of reducing poverty by making our people more productive and competitive, we will quite often see that it’s not only a skills issue that must be addressed, but primarily it’s an attitudinal and self confidence /self belief issue that is our biggest challenge.

 Ask anyone what they experience as a quality of service in their day to day encounters when shopping. For the most part your feedback will be negative. Bad service abounds.

Is this really because of a lack of skill, or is it a Personal Attitude/Personal Beliefs issue? With the right attitude you can achieve almost anything, with or without skills.

But a person with skills, and a negative attitude, and a bad demeanour can scupper any organisation’s intention to deliver efficiently and competitively.

 The problem that I see with our great haste to train and skill everybody is that we are missing the fundamental issues that control results.

Those issues of - Attitudes, Beliefs and Socio-experiential programming; like Learned Helplessness, Self-Limiting Beliefs, and low Adversity intelligence (AQ) - which all rest upon a delicate framework of Self-Awareness, Self-Management and Self-Motivation. (or Personal Energy Management.)

See www.lifemasters.co.za/aqintro.htm

 Research typically proves that less than 15% of training experienced is transferred back into the workplace. Add to this the fact that our memory of training materials and content etc deteriorates quite dramatically.

People characteristically remember around 20% of the learnt material after a 30 day period. That’s like wasting 80c in every 100c of your training spend!

(Please click here to view a larger image of the Logical levels of results)www.lifemasters.co.za/llorpic.htm

 If we look at the Logical Level Of Results image in reverse order from the top downwards, we will see that every situation has, as output, a specific set of desired results or outcomes.

 The Results level is dependant upon some previous Actions, which are dependant upon Skilful actions, which are dependant upon the person having the Abilities to assimilate and apply the new skills learnt and remembered.

 Most training and executive or leadership coaching focuses on the skills and actions levels, without ever effectively addressing the power of the levels below the Skills/Abilities Level. The hidden levels.

Like an iceberg, trainers, coaches and leaders address the aspects that they CAN see, whilst missing the hidden fundamental issues that truly impact and control success and results, which reside below the line.

 We have a massive challenge to rebuild our people’s Adversity Intelligence and Resiliency (AQ), and overcome the Learned Helplessness and Self-Limiting Beliefs that pervade and infect our workplace.

 By addressing the issues below the Skills/Abilities Level (Warmware levels), we begin to empower people to deliver authentically and effectively, with the right attitudes from the right points of view, with the right intentions and based upon a strong personal foundation of can do, want to do self leadership.

 In order to maximise our skills development budgets and efforts we must begin by addressing the “Warmware” or lowest levels of people’s attitude, beliefs, programming and “Static”.

We have to rebuild their resiliency and adversity handling abilities by upgrading their limiting mental programmes and past experiences beliefs.

 By measuring a person’s Adversity Intelligences and then addressing the issues or “Leaks” that negatively impact their personal energy state; we can achieve results, way in advance of "head-based" training or coaching.

 Feedback from the Emotional Intelligence fundi’s reveal that we are 90% emo-energy based and 10% logically based.  We need our people’s heads and hearts to be used in the workplace and in their dealings with each other. The power in our relationships is emo-energetic, and not logically based.

 Through the process of Resilience Coaching and a range of experiential and specifically customised workshops
Biz Phoenix, Dragon Slayers, Soul Purpose Inspired Company Experience, Life Masters upgrades people’s mental and heart based “Warmware” (software for humans), to assist them in maximising their attitudes and beliefs, and to begin to build life-long relationships with internal and external customers.

 Only in this way can we build a strong, productive and self-motivated organisation that will deliver world-class results. This will, in turn, translate back to delivering on the intention of our Skills Development Strategy’s Vision and also bring us greater productivity, performance and profits.

For information on how you can pump up your staff’s performance with AQ coaching and customised workshops, contact Tony Dovale of Life Masters International Executive Coaching.

011 467-1763.Call 083-447-6300 for a FREE 30 minute intro session or presentation. email webcoach@coachfree.com
www.warmware.com tonydovale.com www lifemasters.co.za 

Author's Bio: 

Tony Dovale is CEO and Founder of www.lifemasters.co.za
. AQ coach, Expert Speaker, Author, catalyst, and energy healer. Tony Dovale is involved in leading edge developments relating to leadership, performance, engagement and resilience. He is the developer of the REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE High Performance System for optimising People, Teams, Leadership and Culture

To contact Tony Dovale + 27(0)834476300