Learn from Google. They know something about the presentation of information. They took the chaotic information soup of the Internet and presented the information in the way that people want. Google didn't invent this but they are the number one search engine.

Why is Google so popular and how can you apply these lessons to your presentation?

1. Don't waste time.
Your audience is on Google time. Get started on time and get to your point quickly. Imagine how quickly Google would die if people had to wait minutes instead of seconds for search results.

2. Prioritize your information
Put your most important points first. Why? Because if you lead with weak points your audience will tune you out by the time you get to the good stuff. Internet marketers attempt to get top Google rankings because most people only pay attention to the top three search results.

3. Focus on topic
One presentation = one purpose. Stay on topic and deliver one message. If your purpose is to sell the idea then focus on the benefits. Don't get bogged down on the logistics. When you search for "how to improve golf game" you don't want to read about the history of the game. If you try to deliver more than one message you will sabotage yourself. Google penalizes websites that try to mislead the search engines.

Deliver your presentation like an Internet search engine.

George Torok

"Your Presentation Tip #2 arrived just as we were putting together four different presentations to a variety of client levels in different categories and different countries. It was helpful to be reminded of some of the basics - to help pull it all together. One of my favourite quotes is "man needs more to be reminded than informed", and this was helpful."
Marion Plunkett
Plunkett Communications Inc., Toronto

Author's Bio: 

©SG George Torok is the Speech Coach for Executives. He helps business leaders deliver million dollar presentations. Register for your free presentation tips at Torok.com. He delivers executive coaching, presentation skills training and keynote speeches. Contact him at 905-335-1997 or visit SpeechCoachforExecutives.com. For more presentation tips visit Public-Speaking-Pro.biz.