Remaining trim and healthful is critical for many people -- and thus developing an exercise plan is so important. It may surprise you to find out that studies usually demonstrate that only two core kinds of exercise are useful -- which suggests that you can't just select any variety of exercise to lose weight.

Due to the fact that so many people struggle with the motivation to exercise, selecting the most efficient kinds of exercise is critical, due to the fact that the less time it takes you to exercise - and the less time you throw away on low efficiency exercise - the more likely it is that you will continue to exercise and therefore reach your personal weight and strength goals.

The initial variety of exercise that has been consistently demonstrated to assist people to lose weight and get in shape is progressive resistance. In brief, progressive resistance is a particular variety of strength training. It works by progressively increasing the amount of weight lifted, the number of sets, and number of repetitions performed. As a result, your muscle fibers are not strained or damaged - instead, they slowly and steadily strengthen without any setbacks or interruptions.

Our second variety of exercise that was scientifically studied is cardiovascular training. This name is given to any variety of exercise that increases the heart rate to 60 - 85 percent of its highest rate. Some examples of cardiovascular training could involve jogging, jumping rope, aerobics, or treadmill, among others, but you may choose any type you like.

Even though progressive resistance and cardiovascular training by themselves have been discovered to be extremely efficient forms of exercise, it turns out that combining them is the best bet for being successful. By performing both progressive resistance and cardiovascular training, you will strengthen muscles and build general endurance. In a scientific study, exercisers who used both cardiovascular and progressive resistance during a two month time period lost 45 percent more weight than those doing cardio or progressive resistance alone.

Just as critical as the variety of exercise you do is, the way in which you exercise is also vital. It no doubt will be unsurprising that consistency is the name of the game. Exercising in an irregular manner may enact strain on your muscles and will likely not help build strength and endurance. In addition, it is unlikely to improve your overall health. According to many scientists, the ideal regimen is to exercise for forty minutes to an hour three to five times every week.

Unfortunately, it turns out that for a significant percent of the population, getting enough exercise is not as easy as showing up at the gym three to five times every week or listening to what the experts claim. For these people, the motivation to exercise is the primary problem - this group of people simply doesn't want to go to the gym. In fact, they might fear any and all exercise, which can lead to problematic anxiety.

It is unknown what percent of the American population has to deal with problems with the motivation to exercise, but scientists say that up to 20 to 40 percent of people say that they "hate" or "dread" exercise. An even larger group of people might have less severe exercise motivation problems, feeling that although it is relatively easy to commit themselves to an exercise regimen for a week or two, motivation eventually lessens, leaving them back where they were initially - physically out of shape and weighing too much.

If you're the kind of person who struggles with the motivation to exercise, fortunately, there are some easy strategies to overcome the struggle. According to a recent scientific study, volunteers who needed to start an exercise program were given a brief learning program that helped them choose the best kinds of exercise, were matched with a therapist who specialized in exercise motivation, and received a brief hypnosis course. After six months, they were re-evaluated. It turned out that over 85 percent of the volunteers had stuck to an exercise program throughout the whole six months. Even better, they had lost an average of fifteen more pounds than the control group.

If you are interested in the findings of this study, it could be a good idea to look into locating a motivational therapist, habit control therapist, or counselor who specializes in hypnotherapy. These types of therapists are specially trained in aiding people to overcome anxieties, increase the motivation to exercise, and reinforce the development of good habits. Another choice for exercise motivation is something called self-hypnosis - which is a simple and inexpensive practice that can help individuals harness their own innate abilities to be motivated.

Hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis are risk-free ways of increasing motivation that have been proven to provide success in the case of the motivation to exercise. Hypnotherapy works by making use of hypnotic relaxation to enhance the powers of our minds to influence the modification of behavior and habit formation. Hypnosis therapy is an excellent choice for the adverse to exercise because it can help the development of the motivation to get in shape and trim the pounds easily and effectively.

Author's Bio: 

Alan B. Densky, CH specializes in all forms of weight loss hypnosis CD recordings, including hypnosis motivation CDs since 1978. Visit his Neuro-VISION self hypnosis website and enjoy Free hypnosis newsletters, videos, and articles.