I recently made some changes to my daily method of operation, after attending the Stompernet LIve 7 event.

One of the things that was really cool for me was being in a room with so many talented marketers. Many of them were millionaires and every presenter was unbelievably successful- and I realized that a lot of what they’re teaching was daily methods of operation. If you don’t do the little things on a regular basis you’re never going to achieve the big results and so I kind of fined tuned my daily M.O of marketing and I want to share that with you.

I try to keep it really simple, because I realize that you can't schedule out your whole day, or it doesn't allow for flexibility. It's also important to realize that other people have put you on their agenda, so it's important to leave time for others. So here are the three simple steps I'll be taking in my daily online marketing efforts:

1. Review my priorities and goals and the very most important one, two, or three things I have to do to build my business that day.

2. Create content. And one thing that I’m going to do, that’s a little bit easier than what I’ve been doing, is I’m going to create video content. Video is cool and video is popular on the internet. People would rather watch than read and so rather than sit down and write (which is hard and takes time), I’m just going to shoot a quick video.

3. Review those one two or three things that are mission critical to build my business and focus on those, one at a time, all the way to completion. And I’m not going to make appointments in the morning because I find that I can get more done in an hour in the morning than three hours in the afternoon. So I intend to do all my creative and best work in the morning and then schedule all my appointments in the afternoon.

So that’s my new M.O. I hope it sparks some ideas for you and how you can accomplish those most important things every day that will make you successful!

Author's Bio: 

Dave Sherwin is a full time online marketer and co-founder of the Lighthouse Marketing System. Grab the Lighthouse Marketing Guide absolutely FREE at his blog: